Friday 17 January 2014

The Price We Pay For Diversity In The NHS…

…is a certain Third World fatalism, apparently:
A nurse who pointed at a patient and said "Oh, he’s dead" instead of trying to resuscitate him is set to be struck off.
In evidence heard by the panel, a staff nurse who was working on the evening of the patient’s death, April 2, 2012, said when Mr Muyinda reported the patient’s unresponsive condition to her his manner was casual and without any sense of urgency.
Well, I suppose he wasn't getting any deader, was he?
Mr Muyinda admitted to all seven charges put before him. These included failing to tell the resuscitation team when he found the patient showing no signs of life, not starting CPR for the patient and not recording the care given to the patient in the daily progress and evaluation notes.
The NMC panel has decided imposing a striking-off order is the only sanction sufficient to protect the public from the nurse.
Probably already working in a care home near you under an assumed name..


  1. He must have shown plentiful signs of incompetence before then which obviously hadn't bothered the hospital. Death is a bit harder to overlook.

  2. Elsewhere...

  3. But it's the envy of the world

  4. "He must have shown plentiful signs of incompetence before then..."

    You'd think so, wouldn't you? But they were probably put down to 'it's cultural'... :/


