Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Warning Signs Of All Charities About To Lose Their Way..

‘It is no longer about rescuing as many cats as possible, it has become about cutting as many costs as possible,’ said former volunteer Bernice Moorhouse.
Well, damn. Is there any charity out there not yet subverted?
Mary Millar told how administrators chipped away at funding for her branch in Inverclyde, until they closed it for good in October.
She said her branch had requested £9,000 for neutering in 2013, based on the number of cats brought in the previous year, but had been given only £1,600.
She said: ‘It’s appalling the way they treat the volunteers by cutting back, irrespective of the effects on the animals.’
And what are they spending the money they are saving on?

Well, a salary of £100,000 for its chief executive and more staff at the HQ doing anything else that a big charity does, like political lobbying and expensive advertising campaigns to screw yet more money out of the public, of course.
How can they justify paying themselves such high salaries while shutting the centres where the real work is carried out?’
Probably because they've seen that all the other charities get away with it...
Another volunteer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, accused ‘heartless’ Cats Protection of putting down cats unnecessarily.
‘When I was working for them I was fostering a lot of cats and they said they would take a couple off my hands and rehome them.
‘I stupidly believed them. One of them was a six-month old kitten and they ended up putting her down. They said she was too frightened on her own in the pen. But they didn’t make any efforts to help her. In my opinion it was just easier and cheaper for them to get rid of her.
‘They also wanted us to put down any cats that were over ten years old,’ added the former volunteer. ‘And if blood tests revealed the cats had any diseases, regardless of age, we had to put them down too, rather than pay a vet to cure them.’
However, Cats Protection deny the claim and say they ‘never put a healthy cat to sleep’ and put down sick cats only on vets’ advice.
Sadly, as we've seen with that other large charity, they never seem to have any problem finding vets who are prepared to say anything they want, do they?


  1. I've come to the conclusion that all charities are a scam, primarily run to pay the management a good salary and pension. The only one I now give to is the RNLI, on a direct debt not via chuggers.

  2. There are two types of charity:-

    1. Those that are driven by the thing they do, and have to raise money to do it.
    2. Those that are driven by raising funds, and have to do some charitable activities to achieve that objective.

    One of the best tests of a real charity is the level of voluntary support (both in work and fundraising), because volunteers will walk away. Sure, you need to pay some people, but when you see charities without many volunteers or with declining numbers of volunteers, it's normally a bad sign.

  3. Tony of Somerset14 January 2014 at 20:30

    The PDSA van came round the other day collecting the plastic bags for their charity shops.

    The van was brand new (63 reg) and expensively professionally sign written, with large colour pictures.

  4. "The only one I now give to is the RNLI..."

    I await the revelations about them too.. *sighs*

    "One of the best tests of a real charity is the level of voluntary support (both in work and fundraising), because volunteers will walk away."

    It looks like Cats Protection are well on their way to reducing their numbers of these.. :/

    "The van was brand new (63 reg) and expensively professionally sign written, with large colour pictures."

    A charity that helps out Ford.. :/

  5. I have had it with Cats Protection, one branch I know of branch seems on a mission to kill as many healthy cats as possible. Their rehoming policies are extreme and they ensure that fewer cats are rehomed due to some ridiculous reasons.

    I also have a huge issue with the pig ignorance of some CP supporters and workers who insist that all cats testing positive for FIV be killed immediately.

    They can't even be bothered to follow their HQ's published advice on the subject. They ignore the science too. It's kill, kill, kill all the way for CP and of course for the vets who will kill sixty cats per week for the CP without question because the charity is using your donations to pay for the ELISA test to determine disease status and again for the killing!

    Cats can live long and healthy, happy lives with FIV. They can live with non FIV cats freely as long as all are well socialised. The virus is only transmitted via deep bite wounds. The virus is widely misunderstood not just by the lay person or the bully running a CP branch, but also by self promoting "cat behaviour" journos and sadly, many, many vets.

    Most cats with FIV will not die from it as long as they receive good care. The science does back up that statement btw

    Yep, Cats Protection, RSPCA, PDSA, Blue Cross have all lost their way and the very creatures who they were set up to help are now just the donkey they live off the back of.

    Shame on all of them.

  6. "I also have a huge issue with the pig ignorance of some CP supporters and workers who insist that all cats testing positive for FIV be killed immediately."

    That's an unfortunately common attitude amongst all rescues..
