Tuesday 25 February 2014

New Police House Search Guidelines Appear To Be Working…

Around 40 mountain rescue volunteers, along with police, dog teams, and the police helicopter were alerted when the teenager left a note at his Blackburn home.
His frantic parents raised the alarm at around 9.30pm on Friday and an open window suggested he had fled the Worcester Road home.
Officers became concerned for the boy’s safety because the note led them to believe he would come to harm.
And so a huge operation swung into action:
Following the initial search of the boy’s home, a ‘thorough’ hunt was carried out at the same time as the search of the neighbourhood.
Door-to-door enquiries were made and residents were asked to search their gardens as the cold and wet night turned into Saturday morning.
And it was all for nothing:
The search was called off at 1.30am when police found him in the loft under piles of belongings.
Officers said it was unclear whether he had been in the loft the whole time.
*bites tongue*


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats25 February 2014 at 14:54

    And will the bill for this waste of time and resources be posted to the loft hider's address?

    Thought not...

  2. That new search guidelines with bubble captions and illustrations became necessary, confirms all we suspected of plod effectiveness.

    Finding their anal orifice with both hands is sufficiently daunting for most plod. The exceptions being those whose sphincter acts as default mouthpiece to provide additional acoustic clues as to its whereabouts.

  3. The initial search would be a cursory one.I can't see an officer climbing into a dirty loft and rummaging around.
    However from now on I will be lifting floorboards just to satisfy you kings and queens of hindsight!
    Melvin please use the word radiator in your next post,I miss it.

  4. XX when police found him in the loft XX

    Note that FOUND him.

    What is your problem here?

  5. "And will the bill for this waste of time and resources be posted to the loft hider's address?"

    It damned well should!

    "Note that FOUND him.

    What is your problem here?"

    That this happened only AFTER they put themselves and a whole lot of other people to a lot of time and trouble.

    Also, what Lynne said.

  6. XX That this happened only AFTER they put themselves and a whole lot of other people to a lot of time and trouble. XX

    Evidence, from the report, shows he had left the house.

    So. You would be happy to see the bastard drowning in the local duck pond, because the police were to busy searching the house from attic to cellar, and behind every suspect radiator?

    (Sorry Melv, stole your line)
