Saturday 8 February 2014

Oh, Look! Something Else To Fret About!

Schoolchildren as young as 11 have been smuggling brightly-coloured electronic shisha pens into classrooms in pencil cases.
These five pens were seized at from schoolchildren in Southwark and passed onto anti-fraud officers at HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for inspection.
Cue the hysteria!
Head teacher’s union NAHT this week called for parents to be banned from taking e-cigarettes onto school premises.
They have warned the promotion of flavoured e-cigarettes may be particularly appealing to children.
Well, of course they have...
Sally Bates, chair of the NAHT policy committee, said: “The long-term effects of inhaling it in the form of e-cigarettes is unknown.
“It is particularly concerning that these products can appeal to a younger market with fruit, candy and alcohol flavours available.
“Schools should send a clear message to pupils and parents that the use of any kind of cigarette, electronic or otherwise is not acceptable on school premises.”
Schools should shut up and teach the little darlings to read, write and add up.


  1. XX Sally Bates,
    “It is particularly concerning that these products can appeal to a younger market .... alcohol flavours available. XX

    NO deary! As any defence solicitor, scientist, and any proby police officer who has made the mistake on his first court appearence to say "He smelled of alcohol" will tell you, arse-hole, alcohol is TASTE and AROMA free.

    JUST like water.

    Maybe this bitch should TRY some water for breakfast one day, instead of her usual tipple.

  2. Well, if the powders that be want us to stop smoking by allowing drug pushers to muscle in on it, they need to consider how they are going to protect their revenue streams.

  3. "...they need to consider how they are going to protect their revenue streams."

    Quite so, given smokers & drinkers put in more than they take out.

  4. You are right, schools should keep to their remit, of teaching.

    Children are perfectly capable of learning to smoke without the interference of whining do gooders highlighting just how lovely the vape' flavours are.

    In my day we didn't have lovely flavours, we had No 6 and if times were tough, No 10s and a very good spot behind the pavilion to practice our extra curricular activities.

  5. Carole, ours were "555s", and something that would make a Russian after a life long of Mahorka scowl, "Black cats."

    You could buy two of them in a brown paper bag with a book of matches, probably half-inched from some dodgy night club, for 10p. (So much for the "plain packaging" theory!!)
