Wednesday 12 February 2014

Tune Time: "We was headin' for bear on I-one-oh, 'bout a mile outta Shaky Town..."

Now, c'mon, who doesn't stop what they are doing when this one starts in? Since it featured in a popular videogame recently, even the youngsters must know this one...

It is, of course, C W McCall's 'Convoy', title song from the movie of the same name, inspired by the song itself (a most unusual turn of events):

There's actually two versions This is the one that is most often played on Radio Two.

And this is the original theme from the movie, with lyrics adapted to follow the plotline:

And no, before anyone asks - I never had a CB radio!


  1. "And no, before anyone asks - I never had a CB radio! "

    I think that film did more for CB sales in the UK than anything that could have been dreamt up by the marketing folks.

    They were loads of fun, especially the original "illegal" AM band units.

    I haven't seen that film for decades - too politically incorrect these days - seen as encouraging people to defy the law I suppose *rolls eyes*

    The plot was corny, the diction hard to follow, but best of all was Ali McGraw .. hot didn't even begin to describe her ...

    Time for a You Tube search methinks

  2. CBs? have a box full of them. Mind you, the house is like Jodrell bank with all the radio equipment.

    Bought the young un a PMR radio for Christmas, all his mates are wanting one now, so CB could well be making a comeback.

    They sold off the UK40 CB band last year, so all the millions of CBs sold back in the 80s are worthless. We now have (through harmonisation of European standards) FM, AM and SSB on the CB Mid band.

  3. Wasn't it Dave Lee Travis that did a British version of that song?

    If it was, I'll bet he's keeping bloody quiet about it at the moment!

  4. The Irish Grandad has a post on the music industry, today.

  5. Budvar, sounds like my place re old electronics LOL.

    I'm still 'on channel' on UK40 and Mid band because working in a very rural area having a rig is useful back up comms (however I'm not announcing my callsign publicly on here LOL for obvious reasons). July is the date I've heard for the legalisation of AM and Single Side Band transmissions. I wouldn't want to operate SSB while driving though, too much fiddling around with the clarifier control for that.

  6. "They sold off the UK40 CB band last year, so all the millions of CBs sold back in the 80s are worthless. We now have (through harmonisation of European standards) FM, AM and SSB on the CB Mid band"

    Thanks for that news, Budvar. It means two of my 3 "Rigs" will still have potential uses, when the UK Comms infrastructure gets taken down by a NSA/Chinese bug. Time to make a simple half wave dipole I can hang out of the upstairs window...

  7. "I think that film did more for CB sales in the UK than anything that could have been dreamt up by the marketing folks."

    Heh! Very true. The maker of hover skateboards need not do more than engineer a re-release of 'Back To The Future'...

    "Bought the young un a PMR radio for Christmas..."

    I had to Google that!

    "Time to make a simple half wave dipole I can hang out of the upstairs window..."

