Monday 3 March 2014

Ban Bus Travel Now!

Because, as we are told about so many other things, if it saves one life...
A Welling mum has spoken about the "disgusting" way a bus driver allegedly ignored her pleas for help during a brutal bus attack.
Dee Odysseos (Ed: no, I'm, not going to make the obvious joke...), of Central Avenue, said she was ignored three times as she begged him to call the police with blood pouring out of her mouth.
And why was she attacked?
The mum-of-two believes the violence occurred because she got on the bus in front of the man, after running for it. She said: "I could hear the man behind me swearing at me because he thought I’d pushed in.
"Then he hit me as I was going up the stairs and split my lip. "
It seems that bus travel is getting to be almost as dangerous for the passengers as a tour of Afghanistan.

Far be it from me to suggest that this is the inevitable consequence of years of unrestricted immigration allied to years of no real consequences for aggressive behaviour and lack of control of serious mental illness…


  1. Did you read through the comments? Interestingly this poor victim seemed to be boasting about the fight on her facebook page.Chavs seem to think stuff on the internet is just between them and their fellow chavs-WRONG!

  2. I'm willing to bet that events went something like this:

    Woman pushes in, jumps queue.

    Man says "Oi love, back of the fucking queue."

    Woman tells man to "Get fucked, what you going to do about it?" Or similar, knowing that no one will do anything to stop her and thinking that - as a woman - she is immune from assault.

    Man takes umbrage, punches woman in gob.

    Woman immediately becomes victim and expects self same people who remained quiet during her antisocial display will now leap to her defence. Wrong!

    Only recourse known to her now? The papers!

    Instead of going to the papers she should get her husband to go and have quiet word with the man who... Oh.

  3. Giving way to females is a reflex courtesy many men would even extend to the likes of WC Jaded. A man punching a woman in the face for alleged queue jumping, is almost unbelievable.

    It is not within the official remit of plod to be morally judgmental and from the comfort of her radiator placement, Jaded's crystal ball analysis of 'internet boasting' is probably just as flawed. Further cases of plod 'doing nothing' as a result of prejudice/laziness, undermines society as a whole.

    See me later if you remain confused by the old chestnut of 'work ethic', Jaded.

  4. "Giving way to females is a reflex courtesy many men would even extend to the likes of WC Jaded"


    Women are equal.


  5. The Blocked Dwarf3 March 2014 at 18:38

    "I could hear the man *behind* me ...Then he hit me as I was going *up* the stairs and split my lip. "

    She was going up the stairs backwards? No I can't be bothered to read the actual article for the facts cos the chances are there won't be any, will there?

    Can't quite believe I'm saying this but for once I kinda..sorta..agree with MTG; the thought of a man punching a woman in the mouth for queue jumping is way over any normal boundary of decency and Joolz may well be right about the Mental Illness component because that is the only rational (wrong choice of word?) explanation to my mind.

    Not that I have any inhibitions about punching women, a female junky mugger trying to disembowel me one wet saturday night in Hamburg cured me of that bit of Middle Class thinking, but it would have to be because a woman was armed to the teeth not just with teeth.

  6. @ Rightwinggit.

    In my time I have enjoyed the company of many women. I attribute much of my success to an awareness that none are flattered by the notion of equality, especially with a rival. And you could do a lot worse than to trust to my experience in this area.

  7. Every repetitive cliche in that post Melvin,10 out of 10 old chap.

    If she has reported the crime to police then the CCTV will show the real version of events.

    Where shall I see you? The staring window in your asylum?

  8. These bus stories remind me that I felt safer on a bus in Tel Aviv, a city in a country always at risk from attack by Bearded Savages, than I did on a bus in North London. That tells you all you need to know about North London busses.

  9. "Where shall I see you? The staring window in your asylum?"

    Slither over the wall after midnight, Jaded. Mental health issues aside, nobody is stupid in here and it may harm my cred to be seen with a half-wit.

  10. oswaldthake@aol.com4 March 2014 at 10:05

    Impossible to harm your credibility, Melvin!

  11. "Chavs seem to think stuff on the internet is just between them and their fellow chavs-WRONG!"

    It must make things easier... ;)

    "Instead of going to the papers she should get her husband to go and have quiet word with the man who... Oh."


    "Giving way to females is a reflex courtesy ,,,"

    No longer, MTG, no longer!

    "These bus stories remind me that I felt safer on a bus in Tel Aviv..."

    I've never been, but I think I would too.
