Saturday 1 March 2014

'Guardian' Columnist Decries Entitlement Culture

Suzanne Moore, though, only focuses on one type:
This unquestioning acquiescence to provide circuses while the establishment hoards bread is galling. It is not that there are not brilliant individuals and movies and music, it is that these events, from the Golden Globes to the Baftas and Brits, smooth everything out into a bland mutual appreciation society. Culture pats itself on the back as it assimilates anything vaguely challenging, for in the end who does not want a trophy, the admiration of one's peers and lots of free stuff?
Who indeed..?
To see this stuff up close is mindblowing. These people take a limo for 50 yards from hotel to carpet, just to stand shivering in chiffon and clearly counting the minutes until they can be among their own.
Rather like the infamous Mrs Prescott hair-saving drive, Suzanne? Or is that somehow different?
… these events increasingly resemble the culture of entitlement that exists at the top of society.
But not at the bottom? Are you sure?
… it turns out that so many fashion icons outsource their taste, have it manufactured by committee and are dressed by the highest bidder. Those awarded for their great individuality are just brand representatives. Surely some of them could fork out for their own gear?
Oh, I'm all in favour of people paying their own way and not sponging off others, Suzanne!
Remember the 1% versus the 99% slogan of the Occupy movement, which was based on the fact that in the US 1% own nearly 35% of the nation's wealth? We find this out of kilter and yet we make an honorable exception for the stars. Why?
Well, at least they entertain us...


  1. What an ignoramus.

    Awards shows are designed to look like celebs are having fun, but in reality most of them hate them. It's part of their job to dress up and promote the movie and look like they're having a good time.

    And whatever else you think of them, no-one forced me under threat of violence to pay for Gravity, unlike all of Suzanne Moore's lefty pals on Radio 4.

  2. Ms Moore has been a leading exponent of projectile drivel for years. Nowadays, I don't bother giving her column in the MoS more than a cursory glance, and consider her contribution as the papers' attempt at balance.....

  3. @The Stigler

    3rd para. Nail hit firmly on head.

  4. "And whatever else you think of them, no-one forced me under threat of violence to pay for Gravity, unlike all of Suzanne Moore's lefty pals on Radio 4."

    Tru dat!
