Sunday 23 March 2014

'Mail', You Just Excel At This!

'Viscous' Tweets? And you're laughing at HER?!?


  1. Nobody seems to have noticed the part about President Barner not being the president of the UK. Or the fact that we have a Monarch and a prime minister but not a president.


  2. Perhaps the viscous tweets come from the thickos?

  3. The same paper recently gave us these immortal words on the subject of the internet:

    It is also a pandora's box of idiocy.
    ... the list of spelling mistakes, stupid remarks, and peculiar rants is endless.

  4. 17 GCSE's is probably the equivalent of a 1980 CSE in 'Human Movement Studies' (for those who don't know this was just PE with a written exam at the end put on the benefit of the divvys)

  5. Still proves nothing.She wants to learn more about Ukraine and plans to watch the news?

  6. I wish that I could say I was surprised.

    I have had letters of application containing the phrase "could of", students with no mathematics,or other numerical GCSE's claiming to be numerate, and an 18 year old with a B grade GCSE in mathematicsanda C grade in statistics who when expressing the fraction 1/6 as a percentage claimed that it was 60%. So much for Phoney Tony's "Education, Education, Education" mantra. In 40 years of Labour and Conservative, our schools educations system has been trashed.

  7. I guess school qualifications aren't what they used to be.

  8. The loss of grammar schools was tragic. My husband and I both went to grammar schools and the majority of children there were from ordinary working class families. In those days, if you had money, you sent your child to a private school only if they did not pass the 11+ - not for the education but to give them a better accent and manners. Now, instead of streaming by merit, children are streamed by money. Was this the intended result?

  9. The plural of GCSE doesn't need an appostrophe - it's GCSEs.


  10. Mind you, the Telegraph has an article today on the new Noah film in which he is described as building an "arc".


  11. "Nobody seems to have noticed the part about President Barner not being the president of the UK."

    Oh, I saw a few comments to that effect.

    But that was a whole new level of awesome. And when she tried to fix the damage with an interview, she just doubled down on the dumb!

    "Perhaps the viscous tweets come from the thickos?"


    "The same paper recently gave us these immortal words on the subject of the internet"

    They have no shame...

    "17 GCSE's is probably the equivalent of a 1980 CSE in 'Human Movement Studies'"


  12. "I wish that I could say I was surprised."

    Yup, me too.. :(

    "The loss of grammar schools was tragic."

    They aren't totally lost yet. But you can bet they will be soon.

    "Mind you, the Telegraph has an article today on the new Noah film in which he is described as building an "arc"."

