Sunday 9 March 2014

Maths With The 'Daily Mail'...

Odd. I always thought 'a score' was a lot more than seven...


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats9 March 2014 at 10:15

    I think the point being made outweighs the exaggeration this time, Julia.

    I'll give her a pass for this alone:
    "...during the Blair years when Republican murderers were reborn overnight as 'statesmen'..."

    What I would take issue with is the beginning of the above sentence,

    "Forgotten for decades..."

    It's not the sort of thing people forget unless you are a "progressive" politician with a convenient memory lapse. Any more than people will "forget" the London Underground bombings, the Warrington bombings or the Birmingham bombings (to name but a few). For that she deserves a kick up her arrogant, insulting, dead tree media arse because the memories of journalists are every bit as convenient as that of politicians.

  2. Wow, how low can a person sink.

    No wonder you have comment moderation.

    I have reported your site to google.

  3. I fail to see anything offensive that is worth being "reported to google" for, some people just have a problem with the truth.

  4. Well apparently you get reported to teacher if you criticise a paper for misreporting on sensitive subjects. Criticising a paper for misreporting on uncontroversial subjects, I guess, is OK.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats10 March 2014 at 00:06

    Issuing empty threats to silence dissenting voices is what happens when you are drip-fed a diet of authoritarian CiF gruel.

    Go back to your cocooned comfort zone and quit annoying the adults who are unafraid to call a spade a spade in the face of obdurate, free speech murdering, politically correct BS.

  6. "I think the point being made outweighs the exaggeration this time, Julia."

    Oh, agreed. I'm such a grammar pedant though ;)

    "Wow, how low can a person sink."

    Was there something about this post you didn't like, anon?

    Well, tough.
