Wednesday 19 March 2014

‘Professional Curiosity’ Is Only For Some Families…

The report investigates the “consistent lack of professional curiosity” in the family from authorities including Bexley social services and Darent Valley Hospital - although a safeguarding representative has defended these services to News Shopper.
That'll be amusing, I'm sure...
The 32-page document describes “extraordinarily optimistic” health visitors, lack of monitoring and communication between agencies, failure of the GP to promote vitamin D, and staff confusion over forms.
Yes. 'Staff confusion over forms'. Pardon me, but isn't 'filling in forms' something they are supposed to be good at? They seem to love it so...
The report said: “The nature of the spiritual beliefs and sanctions articulated by his mother were extreme and should have raised both concern and questioning. ”
And yet, when Boris says the same sort of thing, he’s castigated for it…

But what did that ‘safeguarding representative’ have to say?
Ms Trevanion believes the balance between family privacy and protection was problematic. She said: “Everybody has a right to protect their religion but not to the extent that it puts lives at risk.
We're back to Boris again...
“People are very respectful of others’ religion and tradition and sometimes that can cloud the rights of the child.”
It only seems to affect public sector workers, though. Isn't that strange?


  1. Robert the Biker19 March 2014 at 16:16

    Well, let's see....
    Family of our beloved ethnic enrichers, check.
    Social afraid to say'boo' to a goose because, raycisum innit, check.
    Lessons will be learned, check; yeah, and my cock's a carrot!

  2. Elsewhere on the tax teat,some forms of child abuse are less important than others too (forgive me for the guardian link).

    You can count the number of prosecutions on the fingers of one ear. Patient confidentiality and all that...

  3. Well, technically, not *every* religion gets a pass.

    Liberals think it's unfair to stereotype the guy calling for the beheading of Inifdels as some kind of nut, but they really believe they're in one of those shows where every priest is molesting the choirboys.

  4. Ah, thought this was going to be about the Malaysian families.

  5. "You can count the number of prosecutions on the fingers of one ear."

    Well, we have two going forward now.

    But what a surprise that one they rejected was someone who rang the FGM helpline thinking they'd give him advice on where to take his daughter to get it done, eh?

    "Well, technically, not *every* religion gets a pass. "

    Good point!
