Friday 7 March 2014

So Rare, We’re Shelling Out On A Totally ‘Unnecessary’ System…

That’s convincing, I’m sure you’ll agree?
Harp chiefs downplayed the need for the system, saying attacks on staff by the homeless were rare.
Gill Garwood, chief executive, said: “Attacks are something that very rarely happen. Staff are trained to deal with it, and if it does happen, we will get the mental health services involved.
“No one is allowed on the premises if they have been drinking alcohol. Panic alarms are standard good practice in hospitals and social services departments.”


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats7 March 2014 at 12:42

    In the comments section:

    carnmountyouknowitmakessense says...
    If the staff showed care and respect, to those they cared for, panic alarms would be the last thing on their agenda.

    Clearly he has never encountered a drugged up, boozed up waste of space with violent tendencies. I wouldn't give him two hours on the job before he was screaming for his mummy. He needs to change his handle to donthaveafreakingclue.

  2. XX if it does happen, we will get the mental health services involved.XX

    Who will take five days to answer the telephone, and IF they do, will give you an appointment sometime in November.

  3. "“No one is allowed on the premises if they have been drinking alcohol. "

    I bet the staff have a miserable Christmas party!

  4. XX Joe Public said...

    "“No one is allowed on the premises if they have been drinking alcohol. "

    I bet the staff have a miserable Christmas party! XX

    Been there, done it.

    Working in a home for dementia patients, but with a mix of "other problems."

    Christmas before last, I was doing a training course there.

    Nothing except "Pop" allowed.

    FUCKS SAKE! We are talking about adults here, who, gave their all to make us what we are today.

    Our parents, Grandparents, who marched off with pipes and drums, (from whichever countries army) or stayed at home, waiting for "the telegram!"

    NOW we tell them they can not have a beer or two at Christmas???


    O.K. I realise that some 18 year old alky is not quite the same thing, but they apply the "rule" accross the board.

    Neeless to say, we "sent the boss home" and then went out and got a few cases in.

    NO problems!

    Some of them forgot where they had left the bottle, but.... hey! After a search.... :-D In fact the "search" was like a therapy to most of them. (You have to "massage the memory potential".... long story, but it worked.)

    1. Thanks for the tip, my Mum has only me to "massage the memory", so any and all help is gratefully accepted.

  5. "...if they have been drinking alcohol... "


  6. XX
    andy5759 said...

    Thanks for the tip, my Mum has only me to "massage the memory", so any and all help is gratefully accepted. XX

    Andy. If you are serious, I am sure we could arange something through Julia, wherby we could contact each other by E-Mail. Just give the word.

    "Massaging the memory" is ALWAYS of importance with dementia patients. Old photos, "memory boxes" etc.

  7. "I wouldn't give him two hours on the job before he was screaming for his mummy."

    That long..?

    "Who will take five days to answer the telephone, and IF they do, will give you an appointment sometime in November."

    Spot on!

    "...but they apply the "rule" accross the board."

    A common failing these days.
