Friday 28 March 2014

The Extension Of The Concept…

Bexleyheath and Crayford MP David Evennett has helped launch a campaign for people with learning disabilities to stay safe in public places.
If that sounds like a familiar concept, well…it is.
The scheme has been developed with the police, in conjunction with charity Mencap, to provide safe havens at 170 shops and businesses across the borough for people with learning disabilities.
Stickers will be put up alerting those if they feel assistance to pop in.
Is it me, or..?


  1. Robert the Biker28 March 2014 at 11:36

    No mention of a safe haven for those of us who might wish to shop without being accosted by nutters, mouth breathers and dribbling loons!
    A certain amount of sympathy here, but many of these people should not be out without a keeper, or at least a couple of large blokes with a net on standby!

  2. If they have learning difficulties (in reading) how will they be able to read the notices?

    1. I can picture a graphic of a slack jawed knuckle dragger being hugged by the slack jawed, cud chewing checkout person. Although I do have some sympathy.

  3. Twenty_Rothmans28 March 2014 at 20:05

    Some of you are damned heartless, poking fun at the Tardsafe initiative.

    The article was inaccurate. You don't have to pop in, just lick the window for assistance.

    That said, mentally-retarded people are of more value to society than stupid people.

  4. "No mention of a safe haven for those of us who might wish to shop without being accosted by nutters, mouth breathers and dribbling loons!"


    "If they have learning difficulties (in reading) how will they be able to read the notices?"

    I did wonder...

    "The article was inaccurate. You don't have to pop in, just lick the window for assistance."


  5. I've been officially cleared to work with all kinds of people, including children who have been abused.(highest level of clearance).

    I will happily work with so called nutters rather than alleged normals.

    Blink Julia, your eyes are drying out.

    Life is full of little surprises....

  6. RWG-surely you of all people posting on here believe in stereo-typing a whole section of society.After you called me and all my colleagues yellow,corrupt,lazy etc?
