Wednesday 5 March 2014

Well, I’ll Take The Soft Option, Frankly…

Addressing Lane, Judge Lodge said: “House burglary is a very serious offence and this is the second time you have been convicted.
“Sending you to prison would only protect members of the public for a short time
… and would not solve your alcohol problems.
Is that a job for the state? Or the justice system?
“I take the view it’s better to suspend the sentence, so you will be supervised for a longer period of time.
“Let me make it clear it is not a soft option, the soft option would be to lock you up for a few months.”
I'll take it!


  1. Lancastrian Oik5 March 2014 at 11:26

    As a defending solicitor in the magistrates' court of a Northern city once remarked: "They say prison doesn't work, yet all these bastards want to be let out on bail on a Monday morning".

    Most judges in the "criminal justice system" are ex-practicioners; whether defending or prosecuting, they will have heard the same old sob stories time after time. They know that such excuses are utter bollocks, because they will have seen for themselves how recidivists' hollow promises are so easily broken.

    And yet, once up on the bench they succumb to the blether and bloviation produced by the leftards in the probation service (or whatever they call themselves these days).

    Dwelling-house burglary by night ought to mean an immediate and lengthy custodial sentence- no ifs, no buts.

    I will wager my left nut that this drunken thieving arsehole does not reform and he'll breach his 'bender' one way or another before the summer solstice.

  2. “House burglary is a very serious offence."

    Perhaps the Judge was referring to the views of his Islamic counterparts abroad. In the UK, the threshold for 'very serious offence...meriting an automatic police investigation' commences with child abduction and murder.

    By implication, a burglar taking life 'accidentally' in the course of his profession, may not trigger the circumstances which prise plod from the station stove.

    There is no certainty of stirring our jaded ones into action should any criminal merely steal your 4x4 and set your home ablaze, Julia.

  3. Nice one Melvin,cliche-tastic as always. What have you done today whilst I have been out fighting crime? Staring out the window? Congratulating yourself for writing utter nonsense on several blogs?

    Prison does work by the way.All the time those thieving bastards are locked up they are not robbing old ladies.

  4. Bunny

    The soft option would be to have him executed, well soft for the rest of us. Can't they find a really hard option for him, that will make him a man and not a scrote?

  5. ".."They say prison doesn't work, yet all these bastards want to be let out on bail on a Monday morning"."


    " Can't they find a really hard option for him, that will make him a man and not a scrote?"

    I think it's far too late for that...
