Saturday 22 March 2014

Why Should The Police Have Had To Make More Effort Than The Mother?

A police watchdog has concluded officers failed to properly investigate a vicious thug’s assault on his pregnant girlfriend just weeks before he beat to death her toddler son.
Now, if you’re thinking the poor lass is some kind of shrinking violet, dominated by her drug-dealing paramour, well, I have to say that…

Well, just take a look: 

Yeah. Wouldn’t want to come across that in a dark forest if you didn’t have your boar-spear handy, would you?
One PC failed to check if CCTV existed of the pair walking near her home in Bolton after the assault. He also failed to check if neighbours or other witnesses had seen anything suspicious.
The officer failed to question Rigby about his criminal history, make enquiries about Rio or pass on information about his mother’s injuries.
The IPCC say the PC should now face disciplinary action.
So, the police (correctly, as it turned out) assumed that this was yet another of those underclass hookups where they'd be on a hiding to nothing, because either the SS would simply do nothing about a pair of srug dealers and users until one or the other of this hideous pair finally killed the kid or, should there be a miracle and charges were brought, the magistrates would show leniency and release the boar, whereupon he'd hook up with the sow again...
Smedley, from Bolton, was found guilty of allowing or causing the death of the child at her home in Cheriton Drive, Breightmet, Bolton. She was jailed for four years.
She had claimed her son had fallen down the stairs but analysis of the injuries showed that was a lie. His liver had split in two and he had suffered 91 separate injuries.
And she only got four years. Only four years..!
Chief Superintendent Shaun Donnellan, who stressed Smedley wouldn’t support a prosecution for assault, said: “The force recognises that incidents of domestic abuse are very sensitive and often extremely complicated cases to investigate, particularly where the relationships between victims and offenders are ongoing.”
Which, translated, means: “How are we supposed to stop these animals reproducing and then killing their litters when we can't do what any sensible organisation would do without idiot progressives sticking their oar in?”


  1. The officer failed to question Rigby about his criminal history, make enquiries about Rio or pass on information about his mother’s injuries.



  2. “The force recognises that incidents of domestic abuse are...a distracting nuisance when officers are busy flogging seized heroin, cocaine and cannabis to fund a lifestyle abroad which necessitate relaxing in the shade of one's orangery.”

  3. I'd rather fuck her than fight her...

    The "fuck" in this case being via a full clip from a Glock 17.

    1. Don't fill her full of lead, she weighs enough already.

  4. Twenty_Rothmans22 March 2014 at 21:46

    Mummy, where do Labour voters come from?

    @ Rightwinggit - very nicely put.

  5. And when is the perjuring shit in a wig going to be tortured to death, in the most horrible and agonising way the wit of man can contrive? In public, so decent people can enjoy its screams?

  6. ""Rio"


    Mum doesn't look old enough to have been a Duran Duran fan. So it must be...the footballer? The upcoming Olympics?

    "Don't fill her full of lead, she weighs enough already."


  7. You must have thought all your Christmases had come at once Melvin when you saw a real corrupt officer being sentenced.And he's from your neck of the woods-yippee!
    Now you can mention him every time there's a post even remotely police related.
    BTW,how did he get caught? From reading the story it seems his colleagues turned him in.
