Thursday 3 April 2014

Advancing The Multicultural Agenda, One Toddler At A Time…

OFSTED has told a nursery it requires improvement because…
Oooh, you’ll never guess..!
… it has too few multicultural resources in its play area.
Yup. Told you.
Inspector Clair Stockings’s report into the private Rascals Childcare centre, based at the Huntingdon Church in Talbot Avenue, Rayleigh, said: “There are few multicultural resources in the role play area to fully reflect diversity to help children learn about the similarities and differences between themselves and others.” The pre-school, previously rated as “good”, has also been marked down because of lower than expected standards of planning, and for not using self-evaluation forms well enough.
The nursery is mainly white English, and it seems that’s like a red rag to a bull. The nursery is nonplussed at this. Surely it’s made the necessary obeisance to the agenda?
Owner Nicola Martin said the nursery believed it made enough efforts to teach children about multiculturalism – and even had a Chinese New Year display on its wall when the inspection was carried out. She said: “We have facilities for teaching multiculturalism. “We have posters and puzzles depicting other backgrounds, we hand out multicultural food (Ed: Wha..?), we just didn’t have all our multicultural posters out in that particular area on the day of the inspection.”
Oh, woe! Better order some more for next year!
Ms Martin added: “None of the parents have raised any concerns or asked any questions about it...”
Oh, you big silly! The parents aren’t the customers here! They are the guinea pigs for the great social experiment.
An Ofsted spokesman said: “Inspection arrangements for early years providers look at seven areas of learning, one of which is understanding the world. “Inspectors will use their expertise in the field of childcare in considering how well a provider meets children’s needs in this respect.”
Will they? Really? I suspect what that really means is they will look at the tickbox sheet issued by head office to ensure the Great Experiment continues unchallenged…


  1. An Ofsted inspector at my grandchildren's primary school was recognised as a former check-out operator at a nearby supermarket where she had worked for several years. Presumably she left for having to deal with customers only buying British grown fruit and vegetables. I wonder what form her Ofsted training took?

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck3 April 2014 at 11:26

    You would almost think that there is an agenda here wouldn't you?

    I happened to have R4 on this morning and the head of Ofsted was being interviewed - I got the feeling that there is a plan to do away with private nursery care and integrate it into the mainstream education machine - which would explain their inspectors finding spurious reasons to down mark.

  3. In that case, Golliwogs and Al Jolson show tunes piped into the playground it is then...

    1. Mention of Al Jolson brings back memories of the Tommy Cooper skit, where he was done up in classic B&W Minstrels makeup.

  4. I live near Huntingdon and often visit the town. Curiously enough you only rarely see a black or brown person. They are not very numerous at all. So why are these numpties banging on about diversity when actually the reality is there is very little in all of Huntingdonshire? Peterborough is the exception.

  5. What pre school kid even gives a shit?

    They probably don't notice cultural differences until adults start telling them not to notice them

  6. Huntindgon sounds nice.

  7. I once went to collect my son from his digs in Sheffield. While I was waiting in the car, I was watching the children in the playground of the Primary School opposite. Two girls of about 8 years were playing ball.One was a blonde white girl, the other,a very dark skinned Indian. Cultural diversity, neither of them appeared to give a damn about differences, and nor could the rest of the kids in the school. Leave them alone, kids have a way of sorting themselves out.

  8. Ironic in that that today there are reports of Islamic extremism where hard-line Muslims are trying to indoctrinate pupils.
    Let's see what Ofsted make of that

  9. "I was watching the children"
    Isn't that a criminal offence in England ?

  10. The rail training industry now falls under Ofted inspectors. One of the first things we had to do was monitor "diversity". So we monitored it and we discovered what we already knew - most of the people coming through our doors were white middle-aged men. And? So? What are we supposed to do about it? Drag black women off the streets and force them to work on the railway?

  11. Anonymous @ 00:43

    Everything is either illegal, or soon will be. Why do you think they invested all our money to watch us. We cannot be trusted.

  12. XX “There are few multicultural resources in the role play area to fully reflect diversity to help children learn about the similarities and differences between themselves and others.” XX

    I agree.

    Many more Pool-cleaner/gardner/maid uniforms are needed to show the correct place of the average coon.

  13. "...a former check-out operator at a nearby supermarket where she had worked for several years."


    "You would almost think that there is an agenda here wouldn't you?"

    You might think that. I couldn't possibly comment... ;)

    "So why are these numpties banging on about diversity when actually the reality is there is very little in all of Huntingdonshire? "

    That's exactly why...

  14. "They probably don't notice cultural differences until adults start telling them not to notice them"

    Or, they notice them, but make no fuss about them.

    "Let's see what Ofsted make of that"

    My guess is they turn a blind eye so fact, they get whiplash!

    "And? So? What are we supposed to do about it? Drag black women off the streets and force them to work on the railway?"

    Pay them more than the white men so they want to work there, of course!
