Thursday 24 April 2014

Ah, Brighton, What A Rich Seam Of Blog Material…

Parents living in the Hurstwood block of flats in Findon Road, Whitehawk, Brighton, discovered the needles hanging inside their letterboxes on Saturday.
Never let it be said the authorities don’t know just how to deal with this situation!
A Brighton and Hove City Council spokesman said: “We were sorry to hear of this incident and took swift action to board up Ms Macdonald’s letterbox as soon as she made us aware of the situation. ”
That’ll stop drug addicts committing anti-social behaviour! (And also the complainant receiving any letters, but still…)
“We know who it is but the council and the police shrug it off. I want the council to move me somewhere else and they just don’t want to know. No one will even come down and speak to me. I’m scared to live in my own home.”
The cynic in me wonders…

…but honestly, the way councils are today, the idea that they’d be keen to protect the poor unfortunate drug addicts real victims isn't so far-fetched, is it?


  1. Robert the Biker24 April 2014 at 09:46

    What, you want the coppers and council wonks to pay you attention? Simples! If as you say you know who's doing it, just lurk on them and beat the living crap out of them with an axe handle. Since junkies and similar shit have protected 'victim' status, you'll soon have all the attention your skin can handle.

  2. Twenty_Rothmans24 April 2014 at 20:09

    Who cares if the yo-yo-knickered slappers aren't happy with the accommodation we pay for?

    The message should go out - if you use your fanny to get a council flat, don't complain if it's a c*nt of a place to live in.

  3. " Since junkies and similar shit have protected 'victim' status, you'll soon have all the attention your skin can handle."

    When did the police become offender-enablers, while ignoring the real victims? I'd love to know...

    "The message should go out - if you use your fanny to get a council flat, don't complain if it's a c*nt of a place to live in."

