Saturday 5 April 2014

And Yet, Mrs Bageerathi, You Didn’t Buy A Family Air Ticket, Did You?

Shortly before the plane took off, her mother, Sowbhagyawatee Bageerathi, told Channel 4 News: “Where she is going, she is worried about the life and the education. She has worked so hard here and now they want to ruin her life. I am very sad for my daughter. I am very worried. I want everybody to go together and not to send her alone.”
What’s stopping you accompanying her, if she’s in so much ‘danger’? Or do you value a British passport more than your own daughter?

As for the school…words fail me:
Her school, Oasis Academy Hadley, in Enfield, said on its Twitter account: “Who wants to bet the Government would do anything in their power to help a white British citizen to escape abuse? Unfair. #FightForYashika.”
How does this square with their flowery and nebulous burblings about their ‘Vision & Values’ on their website?
We accept others for who they are and respect differences.
Funny way of respecting a difference of opinion between yourselves and the rules of the land, isn’t it?


  1. Bunny

    Julia you forget they only respect differences they approve of.

  2. "As for the school" One look at the head teacher paints a thousand words.

  3. Um, she isn't a British citizen though is she? Thats the whole point. She is a Mauritian citizen with no legal right to live here. Her colour doesn't come into it.

  4. "At the same time, we also aim to meet the needs of the whole person and the whole community because we understand that the whole of life is education and that everyone who is part of a student's life affects that student's understanding of life and, therefore, his or her education. In this sense, every person matters."

    To paraphrase, we're making a comfy living producing the unemployable entitlement generation.

  5. Are schools allowed to do political campaigns? Why is my tax money be used for this?

  6. Given she is an adult, and I presume has unsupervised access to children at the school - did they undertake any CRB (or equivalent) checks - or was this a "fail"

  7. "Given she is an adult, and I presume has unsupervised access to children at the school - did they undertake any CRB (or equivalent) checks - or was this a "fail""

    Thats a fair point. If she had been a he, and white, I expect the usual suspects would have been demanding that such a dangerous older influence be kept away from children.

    Incidentally on the 'older' pupil issue, a little (true) story. My friend is a teacher at a school with no sixth form, so no pupils over 16. They also have many ethnic minority students, some of whom have full beards, which is in itself impressive for a 16yo......anyway one of the teachers at this school decides one night to order a takeaway pizza. It arrives, delivered in a car driven by one of his pupils, allegedly aged 15...........of course while they are underage they can't be considered for deportation, so there's quite an incentive to be creative with the birthdate.

  8. ""As for the school" One look at the head teacher paints a thousand words."

    And the pupils!

    "To paraphrase, we're making a comfy living producing the unemployable entitlement generation."

    And it seems they are doing it very successfully!

    " If she had been a he, and white, I expect the usual suspects would have been demanding that such a dangerous older influence be kept away from children."

