Thursday 24 April 2014

Commendation? They Deserve Condemnation!

Judge Stokes said Penny presented a “significant risk” to the public.
“You overreact to events that most people would simply shrug off,” the judge said. The judge publicly commended Pc Gary Dickinson, whose hunch led him to believe Penny was responsible for the attack.
And why did a 'hunch' make him suspect Penny? Well, it wasn't that much of a hunch, really...
Penny was previously cautioned for an incident which involved punching children in the face and throwing them into a canal, the court heard.
His convictions include common assault, involving an argument with a man in the same park and threatening him with a Swiss Army knife, in 2010.
So, basically, it was a case of PC Dickson thinking 'Hmmm, might it be that explosive nutcase we previously did sod-all about...?'
In mitigation, Walter Bealby, said psychiatric reports indicated Penny was of “limited intellect”.
Almost as limited as the authorities that allow such people to remain at large, maybe?
He said: “When Penny observed him leaving a gate open, that’s a breach of the countryside code and to Penny, with the way he thinks, it was a much more serious matter than it would be for someone else.
“He comes from a good family and his mother, a midwife, is in court. She’s a devoted mother and is distraught about the situation her son is in.”
A bit of remorse about the situation his victim's in wouldn't come amiss...


  1. Robert the Biker24 April 2014 at 12:37

    "A 3-1/2 inch hunting knife" What was he hunting, voles?
    I do hope this little tosspot trys it on with some of the big boys in the nick,I don't think they'll go much for his little ways.

  2. ""Penny was previously cautioned for an incident which involved punching children in the face and throwing them into a canal, the court heard.""

    Bloody hell! You only get a caution for that? And I'm just finding this out now?

    *plan laugh*

  3. "we previously did sod-all about" is one way to spin this story Julia (Daily Mail wannabee editor). The other way might be-good police work by a neighbourhood officer who knows his criminals well,who then puts the suspect into the pathetic justice system where they don't get punished properly through no fault of the PC.
    Politicians decide on the laws and sentences used in this country.You won't get many PC's who think punishments are too harsh.

  4. A PC once said to me "we should throw the bastards down one of these disused coal mines. Mind you, I always was a bit of a softie"

  5. Robert the Biker25 April 2014 at 09:11

    Hang on Jaded, he was 'cautioned' for punching young children in the face and throwing them in the canal!
    So... ABH? GBH? Attempted Murder?
    No, some wonk 'cautioned' him..... worked well that!
    Cautioned is usually Police, so if not you lot, then who let this tosser walk about till he stabbed someone in the neck?

  6. RTB- our guidelines are written down,not by us.If it was as serious as said here he wouldn't have got cautioned.
    There are so many mental patients walking about out there like ticking time bombs you wouldn't believe.I would estimate that 25% of police time is taken up dealing with loonies,either as victim or suspects or just generally needing help.(MTG being a classic example).

  7. The Blocked Dwarf25 April 2014 at 12:04

    ".I would estimate that 25% of police time is taken up dealing with loonies"-JAded

    and the other 75% is taken up with sorting out FaceBook induced nonsense.

    Alright maybe not 75% but, according to mates on the force, about a third of their time is spent dealing with the butthurt ('offendeds') and the 'she posted so I posted then they said'.

  8. ""A 3-1/2 inch hunting knife" What was he hunting, voles?"

    I'm doing to assume that was the depth measurement!

    "Bloody hell! You only get a caution for that? And I'm just finding this out now?"


    "...(Daily Mail wannabee editor)..."

    Nah, the typoes and grammar failures would drive me nuts!

    "Hang on Jaded, he was 'cautioned' for punching young children in the face and throwing them in the canal!"

    Indeed! Can't blame soft magistrates in they never GET there, can you?
