Wednesday 9 April 2014

Criminology Studies – Yr Doin’ It Wrong!

A criminology student high on drugs burgled an office at the University of Hull and stole a car, prompting a police chase through Beverley.
University of Hull student Kristie Smith, 23, took a Ford Galaxy after breaking into a staff office near her student digs at the Cottingham campus.
Humberside Police’s helicopter was scrambled to track the car, while ground officers pursued the vehicle, which crashed near Beverley Racecourse.
Following the chase, Smith, who was caught with more than £500 of amphetamines, posted on her Facebook page: “All I keep thinking is why the **** did I do it? Silly ol’ Kristie strikes again.”
Ah, social media. Finding new ways for criminals to incriminate themselves 24/7365…
Judge Mark Bury, sitting at Hull Crown Court, told her: “I understand you have ambitions to work in the criminal justice system – I assume somewhere other than the dock.”

Sadly, quips are about all this judge dispenses. It’s certainly not justice.
Judge Bury said it was a “close-run thing”, but he agreed not to impose an immediate prison sentence on Smith. Instead, he gave her a four-month prison term, suspended for two years, and a 12-month supervision order. He told her: “I hope this has been a wake-up call.”
I think this ought to be a wake up call, yes. But not for her


  1. “I understand you have ambitions to work in the criminal justice system – I assume somewhere other than the dock.”

    Are you kidding, Judge Bury? Players with her form and practical experience command a premium. West Yorks drugs plod normally look to Columbia as a source for employees in Ms Smith's league.

  2. "...more than £500 of amphetamines.."

    Personal use???

    Stop! Slammer time!

  3. 500 quid for personal use?

    Stop! Slammer time!

  4. It could be worse Julia.

    Judge Mark Bury, could have told her: “I understand you have ambitions to work the criminal injustice system."

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
