Friday 18 April 2014

Emmanuel Kalejaiye Had The Most Imaginative Defence Ever!

“I intended to protect my mum and there were two men wearing masks, they looked like balaclavas.
“They disarmed me and put me down on the floor and tied my arms behind my back. They sealed my mouth and put a black bag over my head and took me downstairs.
“They untied me and put something in my hand and got me down on my knees and said ‘stab your mother’.”
Kalejaiye said he had assumed the item in his hand was a knife.
He added: “I tried to resist but they pulled up my arm and pushed it forwards into something. At the time I could not work out what this was.”
Gosh, it’s a puzzle.
He also claims he was made to write down a “murder plan” by the gang of five masked men.
As you do.
Kalejaiye also said the gang found a bag containing a pair of pink jogging bottoms and a pink hooded top he had bought from Primark.
Earlier, the jury heard how the items were bought as a “joke” as his mum had told him his appearance would improve if he wore bright clothing.
He said: “They ordered me to put them on.”
Kalejaiye said he was later ordered to move his mother's car to make it look as if she had gone to work. At the time, he was still wearing the pink clothing and his mother’s pink flip-flops.
The trial continues. I can only hope to get such an interesting one when I go for jury service next month.

I wonder if the court canteen serves popcorn?

Update: Oh, seems the jury didn't believe him. Well, I never...


  1. Twenty_Rothmans18 April 2014 at 12:04

    Where did the picture in the second article come from - National Geographic?

    His excuse reminds me of the Dreke and Clive sketch, where Clive is caught relaxing in a gentleman's way by his wife:

    I am acting under instructions. There are fourteen members of the Russian secret police positioned around the room disguised as wallpaper. With guns pointing at my head. And they have ordered me to finger my private parts continuously for the next hour, otherwise they'll shoot me.

  2. Bunny

    Not guilty of murder but guilty of stabbing his mother to death, how does that work?

  3. "Where did the picture in the second article come from - National Geographic?"

    Somewhere a bit more wild than their usual photoshoots - Southend!

    "Not guilty of murder but guilty of stabbing his mother to death, how does that work?"

    It's amazing how the courts work, isn't it? Looking forward to finding out for myself.
