Thursday 17 April 2014

Gosh, Yes, It's A Hard Life On Benefits...

Defending, Cassandra Blige, said he was a recovering alcoholic and was attending treatment programme in Trinity Road, Tooting.
The couple, who have seven children aged one to 19-years-old, were also struggling to cope with recent bereavements.
Miss Blige said: "Mr Hardiman is a recovering alcoholic it's fair to say he was a chronic alcoholic. But he accepts full responsibility that these animals were neglected.
"It was a chaotic household and the parents weren't taking full responsibility of their household. They couldn't cope having animals as well as seven children."
Hmmm, couldn't cope, yet could somehow afford...

Makes you think, eh?


  1. Blige I read as Bilge...

  2. Hang on, how did he get a stieffen if he was wrecked?

    Essential for procreation, no?

  3. XX They couldn't cope having animals as well as seven children."XX

    How did they ever tell the difference?

  4. "Blige I read as Bilge..."


    "How did they ever tell the difference?"

    Heh! Very true. The animals probably have better manners though.
