Friday 4 April 2014

Guidelines For Police From The ‘Guardian’…

A woman has reported a sexual assault? Never, ever question anything, arrest the perpetrator immediately, take your time investigating the CCTV or other witness evidence and let the CPS handle it from there

A man has reported an assault? Disbelieve him - she’s obviously the real victim! Start treating him as the perpetrator, despite a witness who agrees with the complainant. And disagree with the CPS when they insist on charging her, they clearly don’t know what they are doing
Amanda (not her real name) had experienced domestic abuse from her partner for some time but received what she felt was a poor response from police officers.
Last year, during an argument, her partner threw her across the room, smashing her against the wall and door frame and leaving her with serious injuries. Terrified, she hid in the house, and later that day the police arrived.
But it was Amanda – not her partner – who was treated as the perpetrator. The partner had called the police to claim he had been attacked by her, even though there was no physical evidence. He also claimed she had assaulted one of their children.
"They didn't handle it properly at all," Amanda told the Guardian. "They didn't know what they were doing. I was the victim and I got treated like the perpetrator when I had done nothing wrong."
Yeah, Amanda. It’s awful when that happens, isn’t it? I wonder why the ‘Guardian’ isn’t more sympathetic to everyone in that situation?

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