Wednesday 16 April 2014

No Longer Chasing Ambulances, Because Buses Are More Lucrative!

Kelly Watts and her son Dylan caught the 1C Yellow Bus servicefrom Tuckton Bridge after the youngster had finished nursery.
But as the toddler made his way to his favourite seat at the back of the bus, the driver pulled out and the tot was flung onto the floor.
*gasp* Not that would be a problem if mum was holding his hand, or paying attention…
“The bus driver didn’t wait for him to sit down and pulled out straight away,” she explained. “My son went flying.”
The mother of one is now calling upon bus drivers to ensure children are sat down before pulling out.
She said: “They wait for elderly people to sit down. It should be the same for kids.”
Clearly, Kerry, you’ve never been on a bus in my neck of the woods – they certainly don’t wait for pensioners to sit down (although they should do..)!
Jenni Wilkinson, head of marketing at Yellow Buses, said: “This matter is now the subject of a claim from Kelly Watts and is, therefore, with our insurers. In view of this we're unable to comment further.”
I really hope they don’t offer her cash to go away, but I suspect they will. And then we’ll have even more claims like this one.


  1. It seems the long list of commenters agree.
    And she looks like a typical chav single mum

  2. All bus drivers do this; all the time, at least round Puddlecoteville anywa. Shouldn't someone with a young child be expecting it? Good grief.

  3. I don't normally suggest social services stepping in to investigate poor mothering but in this case...purely pour encorager les autres.

  4. He obviously learnt to drive here:

  5. Well posted, Microdave, I haven't heard that for years (had Bob's 'best of' cassette in the 80s).

    This was my favourite (naturally). ;)

  6. "And she looks like a typical chav single mum"

    We shouldn't judge by appeara...

    No. Wait. You're right!

    "Shouldn't someone with a young child be expecting it?"

    The bus? I wonder, did she expect the child? ;)

    "He obviously learnt to drive here"

    I love Bob Newhart!The driving instructor is just the best, too...

  7. I guess she would be moaning her arse off if the driver DID wait every time for every one to be seated; "That fucking bus is ALWAYS late, basta'."

  8. 1C from Tuckton Bridge? I'll lay money this child goes to the exact same Montessori Nursery you wrote about a couple of years ago because of their playtime/noise dispute with their neighbours...


  9. " I'll lay money this child goes to the exact same Montessori Nursery you wrote about a couple of years ago because of their playtime/noise dispute with their neighbours.."

    Good lord, I'd completely forgotten that!
