Sunday 13 April 2014

The Great Southend Wigwam…

The mystery is solved – this curious structure that appeared on the Victoria Interchange last week is down to none other than everyone’s favourite fakecharity, Sustrans.

You’ll remember them from money-squandering ideas featured on this very blog. This is clearly another.


  1. I remember Sustrans from years ago when they were supposed to be a charity dedicated to creating cycle paths. Being a keen cyclist I used to contribute to their cause, naively thinking that it was a good thing to do. I suppose there might have been a time when they were a real charity, I don't know.


  2. It's not a wigwam, it's a teepee.

    Just saying like.

  3. They aren't the usual kind of fake charity, i.e., set up by and funded soleley by government, and pushing something the government wants to make law. Their website has a "donate" button and their raison d'etre seems a little, well... diffuse? I think they were a real charity once, and somewhere along the line they lost their way in favour of just doing "charity type" stuff and wearing chunky sweaters a lot. Ghod knows what they'd say if you asked them what they stand for.

  4. " I suppose there might have been a time when they were a real charity, I don't know."

    I suspect they probably started our that way. And as Uncle Gus points out, they do seem to retain some of it.

    "It's not a wigwam, it's a teepee. "

    Now I'm intrigued!
