Monday 14 April 2014

”This has resulted in her effectively being a prisoner in her own home… ”

Well, that seems only fitting…  
Farah Rashid, defending…"She had admitted that she did not care for the dog as she should have and I'm not trying to find excuses, but she didn't beat the dog and as witness statements prove she had previously cared for the dog well."
Give it up, Farah, if that’s the best you can do.

She got 18 weeks and will probably serve less than half that. And they’ll feed and water her during that time. She’s lucky I’m not in charge of the prison.


  1. Katy Gammon? What an appropriate name for a complete pig...

  2. 'Katy Gammon? What an appropriate name for a complete pig...'

    An insult to pigs!
