Tuesday 1 April 2014

Who Is Kidding Whom Here..?

Parents who starve their children of love and affection face prosecution under a “Cinderella Law”, The Telegraph can disclose.
Parents found guilty under the law change could face up to 10 years in prison, the maximum term in child neglect cases.
Really? Gosh! Tim Worstall nicely outlines the pitfalls with this insanity, while Anna Raccoon poses a question of definition.  Meanwhile..
A nine-month-old baby was left 'severely emaciated' by his parents who failed to feed him properly.
Little Joshua Henry was so small when he was eventually taken into care that he weighed less than two thirds of what he should have, a court heard.
His mother Megan Tomlinson, 21, and father Benjamin Henry, 23, from Blackburn, admitted wilfully neglecting the child and were handed a suspended prison sentence by a judge yesterday.