Tuesday 22 April 2014

Your Staff Are Being Racially Abused? Stop Calling Us! You’re A Nuisance!

A town centre takeaway has been warned that it could be shut down following a catalogue of police call-outs after closing time.
Food Factory in Bradshawgate was brought before Bolton Council’s licensing sub-committee because of police concerns about behaviour there.
No, it’s not a case of the staff chasing customers out of the place with cleavers, but a case where they are being abused:
The incidents included staying open after hours, violence and racial abuse aimed at staff from revellers.
I look forward to the police closing the Tube network or the Croydon tram line the next time someone racially abuses the staff or other passengers then...

Still, could have been worse for them; at least they didn't sell someone a dodgy takeaway. The police arrest for this now?


  1. So.... what the licencing board are asking for here, is basically vigialantiism on behalf of the staff/owners of this dump?

    If they do not clear up their own shit, they loose the licence. If they call the police, they loose the licence. Any one complains that they are clearing up their own shit, they loo......

    Come on, lets get some fucking REALISM here!

    Just WHAT are they meant, (being asked,) to do?

    Their food may be turtle crap in a stale barm cake, but .......

    This goes for MANY pubs/clubs/etc/etc.

  2. The police could actually start to do their job, that might work.


  3. Nice Daily Mailesque spin on this one Julia. If the shop workers report racial abuse then the police will fall over backwards to help them.It seems that they are violating their licence by staying open late which is the police are threatening them with closure.

  4. XX The police could actually start to do their job, that might work.

    Stonyground XX

    The commy shitbags demanded, after the Toxteth and Brixton riot "enquiries! that the police could only act with hard.... you know EVIDENCE.

    Now, if you wish to go back to the old days of the "Sus" law etc, feel free. (Personally, I would do that yesterday.)

    But then, one night, when you and your misses, on the way back from an evening in the local tavern, are in the area of a burglary, and your misses just HAPPENS to have a handbag of the same make that was just nicked, but has no reciept for it.... THEN you will start thinking differently....or?

    You can NOT act without "evidence", and you shower of commy shites brought it upon yourselves!

  5. My bad FT, I should have taken in a few more details about the story before sounding off.

    Not sure what makes you think that I'm a commie though, nowadays I can't really get my head around why anybody is. I always thought that Marxism was a bad idea but now we have the empirical evidence that it is.

  6. Sorry Anon. I meant "addressed in general to those that supported/demanded it" not YOU personally. Yes... O.K, I forgot the "quote" marks. :-(

  7. Smarter back-up is required, FT.
    Let the parrot do the proof reading.

  8. "So.... what the licencing board are asking for here, is basically vigialantiism on behalf of the staff/owners of this dump?"

    Yup, seems so!

    " If the shop workers report racial abuse then the police will fall over backwards to help them."

    They have. And they don't seem to be. How strange...
