Friday 23 May 2014

Hardly Surprising, It Seems To Run In The Family...

James Varley, for Fatima, said she had been in an abusive relationship when she was a younger and "she has a shorter fuse" than many. He said that she was a full-time carer for two of her children who have severe learning difficulties.
Like their parents, clearly:
Mr Eley said that Fatima Iqbal had previous convictions including racially aggravated behaviour and harassment.
Judge Michael Pert condemned Fatima Iqbal and Fayaz Iqbal for assaulting the victim they suspected of looking inappropriately at her in a restaurant. He said: "This was disgraceful. You literally kicked a man when he was down, unconscious."
So disgraceful they should go to jail? Don't be silly.
He gave them both four-month prison sentences suspended for 12 months.
Fatima was also ordered to undergo a Just Woman programme.
Well, that's a new one! Maybe she's already completed the ubiquitous 'Thinking Skills' course?


  1. Runs in the family? Maybe closer in the family than you might think.

  2. WTF is "looking inappropriately at someone"? The old adage, "A cat may look at a king" should be drummed* into these morons.

    * Using a large sledgehammer to knock some sense into their thick skulls?

  3. ...nutting the judge, Mr Jihad said that he felt racially abused because UKIP were standing in the elections...he was awarded seven pounds of C4 so he could blow up Jeremy Clarkson....

  4. He said that she was a full-time carer for two of her children who have severe learning difficulties.

    A pound to a penny the parents of those kids are first cousins.

  5. Ancient+Tattered Airman23 May 2014 at 21:55

    The enrichment of our diverse society continues apace.

  6. More inappropriate use of the word 'inappropriate'.
    More evidence that mass immigration doesn't work.

    Seen this one?

    How much taxpayer money given to lawyers plus all the other bollocks 'defending' the right of SLovakian Roma to come to the UK and continue to behave as SLovakian Roma let alone the PC adoption nonsense.

    Vote UKIP!

  7. "Maybe closer in the family than you might think."


    "More inappropriate use of the word 'inappropriate'."

    It';s becoming a bit of a red flag, certainly...
