Monday 19 May 2014

I Bet It Wasn't Under Caution...

The unnamed neighbour was later confronted by Mrs Cregan, 56, about his call and was ‘questioned’ for six hours.
If that name sounds familiar, well, yes. Hardly surprising!

One might wonder why she's not been pulled in for questioning on a kidnapping charge. Maybe she will be, if she ever Tweets about it...
Today Greater Manchester Police said Smith had been dismissed from her job fielding 999 calls at a police communications room at Chester House, near Manchester United’s Old Trafford football ground.
Well, d'uh!
She is appealing against the decision.

I just...


  1. Robert the Biker19 May 2014 at 12:33

    Sorry? He was 'questioned' for six hours?
    Why not just tell the bitch to fuck off after her waster of a son; elapsed time ten seconds.
    Also. what's going on with all the one eyed tossers? Cregan, the useless phone bitches boyfriend? Some new fashion perhaps, enquiring minds want to know.

  2. XX She also looked up details of police operations, including the identity of the armed officers on patrol in the area where Cregan was thought to be at large.XX

    How the HEL does a fucking piece of civy shit telephone operator get into the "on-going ops." system?

    Here, you MAY, and ONLY MAY, get hold of the name of the department that is handling, but NEVER the names of individual Officers. Even then, you would have to be high up the ladder, and prove why you needed to know. Most time before the Staatsanwalt (State prosecuter) and a Judge.

    And WHY has she access to the PNC any way?

    Her job is to pass on calls, NOT do police work.

    THAT is the problem with the job these days, Uppity fucking civvys employed to do man jobs.

  3. "Smith, whose father is a police inspector, later stood trial charged of misconduct in a public office...but she was acquitted..."

    Well, there's a surprise.

  4. "Why not just tell the bitch to fuck off after her waster of a son; elapsed time ten seconds."

    Because, reading between the lines, these are people no-one wants to upset.

    It's not a place that has the rule of law.

    "How the HEL does a fucking piece of civy shit telephone operator get into the "on-going ops." system?"

    Quite! Poor management of systems.
