Friday 9 May 2014

Perhaps Your 'Good Friend Zodiac Mindwarp' Knows A Good Lawyer..?

By the time you are reading this I may have been arrested. Maybe you have already read something about the arrest in the news.
*checks news* Nope.

I guess the police are still arresting Twitter users. I'm sure they'll get round to you eventually. There's just so many morons, so little time...
More than 10 years ago I made up a brand of paint. It was called Drummond's International Grey. I had 1,000 one-litre tins of it made. I was not planning on going into business to compete with Dulux or Crown. These tins of grey emulsion existed for one purpose only: I was selling them for you to use to paint over anything you found to be morally or aesthetically offensive. Basically, I was in the business of promoting vandalism.
Didn't you already try that when you burned a million pounds?
...yesterday morning I walked past that billboard in Heath Mill Lane that was cynically trying to pander to us at our most vulnerable and negative and not to our better selves. I may be in danger of overstating it, but this would have been exactly the same appeal that the National Socialist German Workers' Party would have had in Germany in the years after the first world war when the German people were feeling at their most beaten and vulnerable.
Yup, there's no 'may' about it.
This billboard not only offended me morally and aesthetically it also went against everything that I feel political discourse should be about. Thus there was nothing for it. After my train pulled into Moor Street, I picked up my last remaining tins of Drummond's International Grey and got to work.
The fact that a national newspaper sees fit to allow a preening nincompoop like you column inches offends me 'morally and aesthetically', Bill.

So I guess the only question I tip the bucket of grey paint over the 'Guardian' HQ front steps, or over you, should I ever be unfortunate enough to meet you?


  1. Political discourse means disagreeing with something, then saying how you disagree and why. Painting over contrary opinions isn't discourse but censorship.


  2. Robert the Biker9 May 2014 at 11:44

    I bet this 'inclusive' and 'right on' little fucknozzle would get all bent out of shape is someone did the same to a poster extolling the benefits of islame or the glories of socialism.

  3. " I tip the bucket of grey paint over the 'Guardian' HQ front steps, or over you, should I ever be unfortunate enough to meet you?.."

    That's rather a quandary:-

    It's really rather time that The Grauniad was shaken out of it's smug, holier-than-thou, hypocritical complacency, but on the other hand, if you tip the paint over the cretin-in-question, there's always the possibility that it might be toxic...

  4. "against everything that I feel political discourse should be about"

    So he obviously feels political discourse should be about censoring opinions he disagrees with.

    And I'm sorry but voting for someone he doesn't like does not mean I'm 'vulnerable'. If sick to the back teeth of that fucking word.

  5. DavefromTacoma9 May 2014 at 16:00

    Pour the paint on the stairs, hit the Guardian reporter upside the head with the paint can. Problem solved.

  6. Is all I've done pull the pose of the rebel? A mere publicity stunt?

    Yes, and UKIP have thereby received much more publicity than they would have achieved if Drummond had not decided to censor them. A very effective publicity stunt from their point of view.

    Has Drummond never heard of the Streisand Effect?

  7. Bunny

    Mr Drummond please fuck off you tedious twat, there I've said it, if it wasn't for the Graun and you investments, you might have to work for a living. The worrying thing for Mr Drummond is that a large amount of the population of Europe agrees with Europe and wants the EC back rather than the EU also it wants reform. We aren't going to have a debate or starting to move the ship in the right direction until pricks like this shut and think instead of spouting the usual lefty bollocks credo.

  8. "Painting over contrary opinions isn't discourse but censorship."

    Spot on!

    "...did the same to a poster extolling the benefits of islame or the glories of socialism."


    "Pour the paint on the stairs, hit the Guardian reporter upside the head with the paint can. Problem solved."


    "Has Drummond never heard of the Streisand Effect?"

    Can he hear anything over the sound of his own ego?
