Friday 16 May 2014

That's Probably What's Worrying Them, Dave...

Afterwards, Sergeant Dave Clarke of Durham Police said Mr McCrea had been the subject of threats and appealed for calm.
"We would ask the public to leave it to the police and justice system to see that justice is done.
*chuckles* Yeah. Riiiiiiight...
"It's important to listen to the family, who have asked that people let justice take its course. If people take matters into their own hands, it could harm that process.
"Emotions do run high when a young girl has been badly hurt but we need to put our efforts into making sure this doesn't happen again, by making sure people know how anti-social it is to throw things at cars."
People don't already know that? Still, if the family want...

Magistrates initially imposed reporting restrictions which would have prevented Abbie being identified in any future media reports. However, following an appeal by The Northern Echo, they agreed to lift the order.
Abbie's grandmother Sandra Webb, who was driving her to Shotley Bridge Hospital when she was hurt, was in court for today's hearing and afterwards thanked The Northern Echo for overturning the ban.


  1. XX If people take matters into their own hands, it could harm that process. XX

    And would threaten our monopoly.

    Market forces laddie. If your firm is shite, the shoppers will go elsewhere.

  2. "And would threaten our monopoly."

    Spot on!
