Friday 9 May 2014

There Are No Standards Any More...

He said: “It was beautiful, we tried to treat it with as much respect as possible. But then some others came over and just tore the place up.
“There were just too many people in there.
“It's annoying that we try and treat places with respect and others come along and trash it. It gives us a bad name.”
“...some of those who were in there decided to throw a party and invited everyone in Brighton to it. It all got out of control.
“We got back from a night out and it was already going on with loads of random people in there. At the end of the day when you've got youngsters ... who don't know the cardinal rules, don't invite out of control people in.”
I mean, what's Brighton coming to when squatters don't have good standards of behaviour any more..?


  1. Squatters p*ssed off because others come in, uninvited, and make a right mess of 'their' squat.

    And the sad part is that they don't even see the irony...

  2. Welcome to planet Earth.

  3. "And the sad part is that they don't even see the irony..."

    And never will!

    "Welcome to planet Earth."

    I don't think Brighton's part of it, you know...

  4. "And the sad part is that they don't even see the irony..."

    And never will!

    "Welcome to planet Earth."

    I don't think Brighton's part of it, you know...
