Monday 26 May 2014

Unacknowledged 11th Rule At CiF...

...thou shalt not show the poster to be an unhinged whackjob who has selectively edited the facts to suit her skewed worldview:

CiF sees nothing wrong with allowing hobbyhorses to be mounted before the bodies have cooled on the sidewalks.

But, should you point out that the author may have been a bit fast & loose with the facts, like so:
"He also vows violence. "On the day before the Day of Retribution, I will start the First Phase of my vengeance: Silently killing as many people as I can around Isla Vista by luring them into my apartment through some form of trickery," he wrote."
... In the last video posted on Friday night and titled "Elliot Rodger's retribution,” Rodger described his anger toward women and men. ...
“"You forced me to suffer all my life, now I will make you all suffer,” he said. “All you girls who rejected me, looked down upon me, you know, treated me like scum while you gave yourselves to other men. And all of you men for living a better life than me, all of you sexually active men. I hate you. I hate all of you. I can't wait to give you exactly what you deserve, annihilation."

Yeah. Right. But it's 'misogyny' to blame, eh?
then you'll be censored in a nano-second:


  1. Because what matters is the ideology, not the reality.

  2. You forced me to suffer all my life, now I will make you all suffer
    Idiots such as Jessica Valenti recite this as they rise in the morning before their Fairtrade alfalfa.
    Almost invariably, these vapid lefties result from a weak father presence - either absent or completely pussy-whipped so that his pwecious widdle pwincess can do whatever she wants.

    In the male of the species, it results in leftist homosexuality.

  3. Fidel Cuntstruck26 May 2014 at 19:19

    I'm sure I'll be castigated for my old fashioned point of view, but I read the foaming bile spewed out by these loons and can never help but think that all they lack is a damn good rogering ...

    1. You took the words out of my mouth.

      Julia, imagine the pain you bring to their fragile minds when you point out the truth.

  4. @FC - naughty! It reminds me of the Rick Mayall character in Bottom but tooled up with an assault rifle 'everybody's having sex but me' etc etc.

  5. Whenever someone who is plainly bonkers attacks one of the Left's darlings (Wimmin, Homos, Blacks)the Left is outraged at the person's dire mental state being mentioned. That is, of course, because acrding to the Leftists agenda, nobody attacks these peopole unless they are part of a cold-blooded International Fascist Conspiracy.
    However, where Israel is concerned it's different. There, whenever some bloodthirsty Arab murders Israeli civilians it's not terrorism - oh no, the man (or woman)in question is always 'deranged' or 'mentally disturbed'.

  6. "Because what matters is the ideology, not the reality."


    "Julia, imagine the pain you bring to their fragile minds when you point out the truth."

    For the time (measured in nanoseconds) it stays up!

    "However, where Israel is concerned it's different."

    Spot on!
