Thursday 12 June 2014

"And Also, M'Lud, Please Take Into Account The Fact He's A Ginger...""

Michael Clare, defending, said Brown, who suffers from learning difficulties and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, pleaded guilty and had been a 'stupid boy'.
Mr Clare said it was 'far removed from the sort of thing' that was 'politically motivated' or something that was 'criminally sophisticated'.
He said: 'It's a childish immature prank by someone who is seriously academically challenged.'
Having grown up under Blair's 'Education, education, education' policy, is anyone surprised?


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats12 June 2014 at 13:36

    Stupid boy? Are they seriously suggesting the moron has sufficient grey matter to aspire to Pike's lofty league?

  2. He also grew up under the psychological disorder manufacturing industry. In the past he would have been a dim undisciplined blight on society, now he's a victim.

  3. Be fair people - he fessed up. This is a rare moment amongst our pampered criminal classes and police officers going 'no comment' in interview under caution.

  4. xx Luke Brown, 18, called 999 and claimed a bomb was set to go off at a shopping centre in Norwich xx

    That's o.k, it would probably cause a million quids worth of improvements.

  5. "He also grew up under the psychological disorder manufacturing industry. "

    Good point!

    "Be fair people - he fessed up. This is a rare moment amongst our pampered criminal classes..."

    Not once their brief has told them it counts towards a lesser sentence, surely?
