Thursday 19 June 2014


Michele Hanson seems to be suffering from it:
Most of my chums have spent their lives protesting. You name it, we've done it: sit-downs, boycotts, donations, marches and rallies.
We're still doing it online: signing letters, petitions and more protests, against rape, violence, detention centres, culls, cruelties, racism, pollution, corruption – a torrent of nastiness that never seems to end. No wonder some of us are feeling a bit worn down.
Awww, poor baby! Time this made a reappearance:


  1. Tis a hard life being a middle class 'right on' protester. Me, I'm middle class with a hard heart which bleeds, not at all.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats19 June 2014 at 11:48

    And did she, perchance, protest against the abuse of taxpayers who are forced to fund the lifestyles of the too busy to hold down an honest job, professionally aggrieved?

    Thought not.

  3. That's our lovely 'Chele, Julia. Stop it at once!

  4. Tired after a lifetime of moaning? Get a job!

  5. Bunny

    So didn't feel strongly about anything in particular but just protested about lots of things, useless bitch.

  6. Twenty_Rothmans19 June 2014 at 18:56

    I hope she isn't getting sick.

    Lazy sow. She has never worked hard by my definition in her life. Just a moaning, wrinkled three-year old who wants her dolly back.

    Hold your breath until you get everything you want, Michele, that's the way.

    And why was she protesting about rape? That's like me protesting about the price of aubergines in Port Moresby.

    Although there is the possibility I might buy an aubergine in Port Moresby.

  7. "Me, I'm middle class with a hard heart which bleeds, not at all."


    "Tired after a lifetime of moaning? Get a job!"


    "Although there is the possibility I might buy an aubergine in Port Moresby."

