Friday 13 June 2014

If Only Norman Lamb Realised He Was 'Care Minister' For People...

Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat minister for care services, wants a change to the rules for dressage competitions.
The LibDems, folks. Forever grappling with the big decisions...


  1. It all depends on colour, Lipanzers are born black, as they grow they become white. Surely the time to assert their rights is during their colt- or filly-hood, then they would have "special status". As for other breeds, they're either black, brindle, roan, paint or just plain grey, there's no white horses really.

    As for politicians stepping out of their briefs, I can only nod in approval as they are only being true to type.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats16 June 2014 at 11:22

    Perhaps the LimpDims should try grappling with reality occasionally.
