Friday 20 June 2014

Is It ‘Cos I Is Black A Criminal?

Close to half of Croydon's young offenders commit another crime within a year of receiving a conviction or caution, according to figures published by the Ministry of Justice.
And naturally, charities are up in arms:
Christian Douglas, a caseworker for St Giles Trust, a charity that works with ex-offenders, said many young people "are not even given a first chance."
He said: "They are sent away and then when they come out they are expected to change, but what happens is they come out with a criminal conviction, find it difficult to get work, come out with debt or fines and housing issues, so the chances of them reoffending is very high."
You’ve convinced me, Christian. Let’s flog ‘em, hang ‘em or transport ‘em instead!


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats20 June 2014 at 09:46

    It's all grandstanding BS rhetoric and the pointing of lefty guilt artillery. Just another mealy mouth clamped to the public teat while seeking justification.

  2. You should add the stocks to your list. It would also help if when they were sent down it was hard labour for several years - in other words, make prison a place they don't want to return to.

  3. Hang on Julia - these lefties get an 87% reduction in re-offending rates amongst the 'never had a first chancers'. If true, your transportation ship would be an expensive alternative and might be better reserved for some banksters and political class crooks. They are the real recidivists. This said, I'm not for believing the re-offending stats without individual tagging.

  4. Bunny

    Surely the first chance is the education at public expense and they couldn't be arsed taking that one. Then how about cautions and non-custodial sentences, how many chances do these bastards need?

    Since it looks like there may be a war kicking off soon, how about a chance, custodial sentence or an infantry battalion? No prison record, training and paid employment?

  5. Their world is really cushy, the real world is anything but. Handouts, wrists slapped for thuggish behaviour, and all that comes before they graduate to serious crime. How about nicking some of the more outspoken libtards for aiding and abetting, because they are all as guilty as hell.

  6. Nothing puts a Libtard in an embarassing position more than a good old uprising and revolution.

    Ask the Jugoslavians.

  7. "It's all grandstanding BS rhetoric and the pointing of lefty guilt artillery."

    Yup. I've heard is so many times I can probably recite it myself by now!

    "This said, I'm not for believing the re-offending stats without individual tagging."

    There are lies,damn lies, and...

    "Their world is really cushy, the real world is anything but. "

    Spot on!
