Friday 20 June 2014

Newsflash, Zoe: Mostly, It’s The Fault Of The Parents

Zoe Williams on the new Channel 4 show ‘Breadline Kids’:
… a real child's suffering has been used instrumentally for an entertainment payoff that doesn't differ hugely from the one in Saw III.
Really? The movie with the dismemberment & gallons of gore?
The ugliness and shame of this rests entirely with the political class that created the situation…
Even if you voted Conservative, this is not your fault, since that sure as hell wasn't in their manifesto: "strategic incompetence in the arena of delivering benefits".
You know what, Zoe? No matter who you voted for, it’s not your fault. It’s not the Coalition’s fault either.

It’s down to parents spawning children that they can’t afford.
Full-time work is no match for poverty: wages aren't high enough. In the noughties, the government made up the difference with tax credits; the coalition is happy to see how long people can survive on tinned tomatoes.
That’s because, in the words of the outgoing Mr Byrnes (Lab), ‘Sorry, there’s no money left’. So the constant funnelling of the sweat of the hard-working to the lazy breeders is a finite plan.

We’ve had enough.
… what is the point of a jobs market in which huge columns of workers aren't earning enough to feed themselves?
Better to ask, surely, ‘That being the case, what’s the point of them adding new mouths to feed?’


  1. There aren't any incentives for the underclass to get sterilised. Offer them free Sky for life and pay for it with the savings on the social workers, prison wardens and probation officers we won't have to employ!

  2. Indeed, verity itself. And folk wonder why I'm driven, by compulsion, to burn stuff.

  3. I must admit I had always thought Byrnes' note said there's no money left. That it just said there's no money is rather different and I can see what he was getting at. That must indeed be a phrase chief secretaries have to use. Foaming right winger though I am, I have been criticising them unfairly over this, thanks to the way it was misreported.

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats20 June 2014 at 15:06

    They can always reverse the uncontrollable pooch tables: let them eat Staffie.

  5. XX
    It’s down to parents spawning children that they can’t afford.XX

    Is it?

    I thought that more bastards was exactly what the West were needing?

    The problem is, "parents" who are not forced to work, and do not pass the ethic of working on to their bastards.

    Better would be "You do not work, we confiscate your play station/plasma T.V/chavy track suit," or whatever. Then, if they have not been working, investigate/prosecute them for dole fraud. How else have they obtained all that stuff?


    "Erziehungslager" They were a kind of concentration camp, where by the work-shy, alcoholics, druggies, etc were MADE to work for their living.

    You need a guard? HERE! I am a ready made volunteer!

  6. As an incentive, offer the 'scutters' free blue pop, kebabs and Carlsberg lager.

  7. "There aren't any incentives for the underclass to get sterilised."

    Quite. Time we made some.

    "They can always reverse the uncontrollable pooch tables: let them eat Staffie."


    "You need a guard? HERE! I am a ready made volunteer!"

    I suspect you'd be bowled over in the rush.. ;)
