Tuesday 24 June 2014

The NHS – A National Disaster…

Are you an empty-headed slapper whose self-inflicted infamy makes it ‘difficult’ to travel on public transport?

No problem! The NHS will bend over further than you ever did to help you!
Josie had told her doctor that her eldest son, six, was not going to school and her youngest, aged three, was not attending nursery because she could not face using the bus.

Her GP contacted Leeds City Council, which then agreed to pay for cabs to take her children to school every day - at a cost of £150 a week.
Are you an elderly widow who has lived all her life in the UK?

Well, sod off, we need to accommodate all these lovely diverse Eastern Europeans and you’re blocking a space for them!
Lily Dove has used her GP practice for so long that she remembers when the doctor would visit on a horse and trap. Now the 95-year-old great-grandmother is being removed from its register because so many newcomers have moved into the area.

Some 1,500 people are being taken off the database by the medical practice in Watton, Norfolk, which has struggled to recruit enough new GPs to cope with the market town’s rapidly growing population – many of them Eastern Europeans.

Mrs Dove was shocked and upset to be told she would be ‘de-registered’ within a fortnight and would have to move to a different clinic.

When she complained she was told no exception could be made for her because it would be ‘discriminatory’.
Jane Ellison was right, wasn’t she? Time to regain control.


  1. Eh?

    If it's about capacity, why aren't these other people coming into the area going to the other GP?

    Sounds a bit like some sort of target going on and someone finding a crooked way to meet it.

  2. The NHS will bend over further than you ever did

    Unlikely, considering that she has been working as a call girl.

  3. Bunny

    Dear God who would pay that dosey bint for sex, hanging slapper is a more apt description. Shudder.

  4. You know when you've been enriched24 June 2014 at 19:09

    Don't know about the horse and trap, but I can remember when the doctor would actually visit...

  5. I followed the link to the Jane Ellison piece, which was commented on by countless Guardianistas deploring what had happened to the NHS. Robert Francis QC who conducted the enquiry into Mid Staffs said that if the NHS was an airline, planes would be constantly falling out of the sky. I heard a doctor on the radio many years ago saying that the death rate in the NHS was the equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every day. It isn't really about politics and easy answers. We should put aside the bigotry and consider what sort of health service we want. Anti discrimination legislation - as here - only aggravates the problems.

  6. I got a right ranty cab driver the other day when taking a commode etc. home from Watford Hospital. The (presumably Pakistani) driver did not stop banging on about all of the Polish immigrants, their filthy habits, their groceries everywhere. What am I to say? Incidentally, the items in the cab were for the care of my 94 year old mother, the cab fare was £34, I live in the Holy City of St. Alban, Hertfordshire, England (last time I looked).

  7. "If it's about capacity, why aren't these other people coming into the area going to the other GP?"

    Seemingly, because it's about location.

    "Unlikely, considering that she has been working as a call girl."


    " Anti discrimination legislation - as here - only aggravates the problems."

    Agreed. But they are now too entrenched to ever root out.
