Wednesday 18 June 2014

Van 1, Thug 0

A teenager suffered serious injuries after being mown down by a van driver following a row in the street.
The 19-year-old was arguing with his girlfriend on Gatehope Drive, South Ockendon at about 2am this morning. The lad punched a nearby van in anger.
The van’s owner arrived and challenged the lad. Police believe the van owner then got in to his vehicle and ran the 19-year-old boy over before driving off.
The comment section is, predictably, full of his semi-literate friends & relatives outraged that anyone has the temerity to object to their property becoming the punching bag of yet another inarticulate youth unable to control his temper.

One even gives him ‘credit’ for punching the van rather than his girlfriend!


  1. Pity he wasn't driving a frontend loader! He could have got the girlfriend as well.

  2. Hopefully a sign of things to come. Our justice system doesn't get them but justice is served anyway.

  3. South Ockendon is a shithole.

    "...a company name written in dark writing on the side. .."

    No chance copper, they can't read in that area, and if they know who it was, they wouldn't tell you anyway...

  4. Unless it was a Morrison's van?

    (Have you heard him sing recently? OK, I'll get me coat)

  5. Bunny

    He should have reversed over the prone body, saved the taxpayer some money in the long run.

  6. Lynne at Counting Cats19 June 2014 at 08:24

    Wouldn't it be ironic of the van belonged to a pest control operator?

  7. "No chance copper, they can't read in that area, and if they know who it was, they wouldn't tell you anyway.."


    "Wouldn't it be ironic of the van belonged to a pest control operator?"

