Tuesday 22 July 2014

Another Progressive Demands ‘Diversity’ Be ‘Conformity’…

Julie Bindel, that is.
When I was a young lesbian feminist campaigning to overthrow patriarchy, what irked me most was the fact that some men would impose their own idiotic view of my sexuality on me, by asking if I would perform threesomes with them, or titillate them with a porny kissing display with my girlfriend.
Presumably after a good skinful? They’d need it, Gawd knows…
Today it would seem that, for a number of lesbians, dissatisfaction and anger at being viewed as a male sex toy has been replaced with the desire to become as badly behaved as they are, paradoxically in the name of equality. Last week the Washington Times reported that a lesbian, Tamara Yatkin, who was refused entry to a California strip club because she was not accompanied by a man, is suing the owners for discrimination on the grounds of gender and sexual orientation.
Well, yes. Shouldn’t this be welcomed by you?
I have no doubt that Yatkin was denied entry because of her gender and sexuality, and, in both law and principle, that makes it discrimination. But how have we got to a situation where some of us are trying to enter such bastions of male privilege rather than campaign against the sexual exploitation of women?
Because we aren’t all the same, and don’t all think alike?

We have free will, and that means we get to choose what concepts like ‘equality’ mean for us, rather than conform?
Is liberation tantamount to behaving like some lesbian version of Hugh Heffner? In these times of "choice feminism" and neoliberalism, it seems that the very basis of our political movement is being eroded and replaced with an "anything goes" attitude.
How very terrible. But…didn’t all the boring old straights feel that way when you came on the scene?

So…suck it up. Life is change.


  1. The only difference between a feminist and a lesbian is the spelling.

  2. Robert the Biker22 July 2014 at 09:56

    Whiny hand wringing rug-muncher whines about the 'patriarchy'; sends Matriarchy to control thoughts and actions of others who fail to fall in line.
    Irony much?

  3. I can only suppose the feminists of the 60s and 70s wonder where it all went so wrong.

  4. "When I was a young lesbian feminist campaigning to overthrow patriarchy"

    LOL! I bet she's a hoot at parties.

    Modern feminist nutjobs are like the old Japanese man still fighting WW2 on his own, in isolation on an island somewhere.

    They haven't realized the war is over.

  5. 'When I was a young lesbian feminist campaigning to overthrow patriarchy...'

    Sorry, I passed out after that bit.

  6. She's just discovered that she has grown old and crotchety. And is simply out of date.

    Welcome to the world love, glad you could make it.

  7. Is it only me- but a threesome with a lessa seems quite exciting. Not one of those crop hair, overweight, hob-nail boot types with a face to match. Er, I'm talking about those who look like real women.

  8. It should go to Holland.

    They LOVE dykes in Holland, so they do.

  9. When I was a young lesbian feminist campaigning to overthrow patriarchy, what irked me...

    And she expected anyone with a balanced mind to read further?

    In the 80's, a friend of mine bought the rights to the old hippie Underground mag, International Times (IT)and I was invited on board as music editor. At one of our early editorial meetings this crop haired, boiler suited bovver booted harridan would start in with the line... Well as a lesbian, I think...

    It mattered not a jot what was being discussed, from music policy to interior decor, it all came down to her and her fuckin sexuality! I walked out soon afterwards.The revamp never took off.

  10. @Bucko the Moose: well, if it ever is over, what will they do for a living?

    @RAB: as with so many activists, all single-note symphony.
