Saturday 26 July 2014

Is ‘Flattening It With The People Still In It’ An Option..?

Councillors and town planners have held behind-the-scenes talks over flattening the Queensway Estate, which houses more than 600 people, in a major revamp of the heart of Southend, the Echo can reveal.

Ian Gilbert, deputy leader of Southend Council, said: “The council is looking at a number of options for the Queensway site.”
Because that could quite easily solve more of Southend’s problems than just those with housing.


  1. Are they going to clear the residents out first?

  2. I did a quick google - this place has everything!

    Sutton Road itself is home to a butchers, a bakers, a chemist, a cafe, a pub, Indian and Chinese takeaways, hairdressers, tattoo parlour and a cycle shop.

    (From a guide to help those new to the estate find those everyday essentials.)

    o/t have you seen this yet?

  3. Build a fence of barbed wire around the perimeter. And make sure the locals are in the neighbourhood. Giro day is a good bet as the residents will be the pub. Then drop a neutron bomb in the centre of town.

  4. ONE Butcher, ONE pub. For 600 people??? And NO mention of a Buckys/white lightning shop!!?? (Or a bookies shop either.)

  5. FT, don't worry:

    A short walk from the three tower blocks is Southchurch Road home again to many independent traders such as an Off Licence open to 11:00 at night, betting shops, takeaways of all types and the pubs make up this gateway to the Town Centre... The Mecca bingo club along with Farmfoods, Lidl and Matalan are a short walk away on the Greyhound Estate.

  6. Aha. That's O.K then. Keeps the chavs happy, and quiet.

  7. "Are they going to clear the residents out first?"

    I kind of hope not...

    "I did a quick google - this place has everything!"

    Errr, yes. It certainly does!

    Except colonic irrigation... ;)

    "Keeps the chavs happy, and quiet."

    Well, not that quiet.
