Friday 4 July 2014

She’s At It Again…

…and by ‘she’, I mean of course, Camila Batmanghelidjh:
“The kindest thing I can say about successive Prime Ministers is that they have been hijacked by more demanding agendas, but isn’t hundreds of thousands of children being harmed and left without help important enough? Some politicians privately say that the system is too big to fix, but we don’t say cancer is too big to fix.”
True enough.

Of course, we don’t have doctors who claim that certain cancers are cultural and so should not be treated the same.

We don’t have doctors who say that this poor cancer has had a tough life and so shouldn’t be ‘punished’ with chemotherapy.

We don’t have doctors who are told by their superiors to play down the incidence of cancer to avoid frightening the population.

There aren’t any parts of the body that doctors are too frightened to look at and so become ‘no go areas’.
“The NSPCC talks about hundreds of thousands of maltreated children of whom only a fraction are being helped, but I can’t guess the figures, and that is one of the things we must do — find them, count them, help them. We are an uncivilised nation if we don’t because we have the resources.”
No, no, Camila, you’ve got it all wrong!

It’s because we are a ‘civilised nation’ that we have this enlightened attitude, and don’t interfere in cultural practices, always tiptoe around difficult ethnic issues, excuse atrocities because these poor people have a right to their own lives, and so forth!


  1. Julia, you have excelled even your usual high standard with this incisive piece.

  2. This deluded creature is as big as the Hindenburg these days! Fucking ginormous!

  3. Perhaps her and the Obama woman could hold up a hashtag together ? That always works.

  4. Twenty_Rothmans4 July 2014 at 19:03

    Shame that woman wasn't processed through Ellis Island and just given the surname 'Batshit'.


  5. Damn you Twenty_Rothmans, I just spent the last 5 minutes cleaning my beer off the keyboard and screen.

  6. "Julia, you have excelled even your usual high standard with this incisive piece. "


    "Damn you Twenty_Rothmans, I just spent the last 5 minutes cleaning my beer off the keyboard and screen."

