Wednesday 9 July 2014

Tune Time: "Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male..."

Lyrics that will resonate with anyone of music-appreciation age in the 80s, I'm sure...

It is, of course, Sade and 'Smooth Operator', which in 1984 was EVERYWHERE!

I remember switching radio channels three times during the course of a day & within 5 minutes, it was playing on each channel. The last song I remember being so ubiquitous was 'Summer Lovin' from 'Grease' during one long, hot summer.

Good times...


  1. I have that album, a favourite. Though it sounds as if the instruments were recorded separately then mixed.

  2. To be honest, the 80s were not a good decade musically.

  3. Sade - "Diamond Life" ~ Epic EPC 26044 it says on the album sleeve, that I've just fished out of a dusty pile in the corner. Then to further remind me how old I am it says "Also available on cassette".

    I must power up the old record deck and see if it still works...

    Good times, indeed.

  4. Heard it today on LA FM Bogota Colombia.

    2300 hrs there is a daft show called los originales. Its a quiz. Phone in .sports based show with some music.

    They were loving Brazil being thrashed and desperate for Argentina to lose too.


  5. For ages I told people she was from Oldham, which, as it turns out, is total cobblers. She's ace though.

  6. It's the Sax that does it for me.

  7. "Though it sounds as if the instruments were recorded separately then mixed."

    Didn't all Eighties stuff sound like that..? ;)

    "To be honest, the 80s were not a good decade musically."


    "For ages I told people she was from Oldham..."

    I thought that about Lisa Stansfield!

    "It's the Sax that does it for me."

    Can't beat a bit of Sax!
