Monday 28 July 2014

Zero Tolerance Can Be Beneficial…

Mr McKeown, who has been headmaster at the school for the past eight years, said the academy is “consistent” in dealing with students who do not arrive in correct school uniform.

He said: “Students not wearing the uniform or refusing to wear the uniform in the correct way will be sent home to change.

“We do inspections around once a week,” he added. Mr McKeown said parents were notified if their children were sent home by text message and parents of Year 7 and 8 students sent home were telephoned before the student left the school.

He added: “We are setting the standards for this school and we are also preparing our children for the world of work.
“They are not going to go into the world of law or medicine or be leaders in industry wearing trainers or skinny trousers, they will be expected to dress smartly.”
/cheer Chav parents are, predictably, OUTRAGED!! that their spawn have been told ‘No’:
Emma Lester said her daughter, Renee Carroll, 14 and in Year 10, was sent home.

She said: “She has been wearing shoes exactly like the ones she had on for nearly four years with no problems. We live in Christchurch and they didn't care how she was going to get home.

“What is more important, a pair of shoes or the welfare of a child? Renee is supposed to be doing an English exam.”
When she can’t read or comprehend the school dress code? How’s that going to work out?


  1. I like the thought of this "children were sent home by text message"

  2. A tiresome almost daily story from local newspapers and occasionally the Daily Wail on a very slow news day, accompanied by the photo of the faux outraged, miserable looking, tattooed, dyed haired , usually fat chav parent accompanied by the troublesome sack of waste DNA and oxygen that caused the fuss. They hate it when someone actually says 'NO' to them.

  3. Er, doctors, lawyers and captains of industry? Perhaps not. A job at McDonalds beckons, or if they are really lucky, a lifetime signing on the dole and raising a gaggle of bastard brats.

  4. Of course they could intend to just be on the dole or work in the public sector then dress code isn't an issue.

    Personally, I think for a public school there shouldn't be a dress code but it seems to me they are more interested in petty rules than educating kids.

    In hindsight this is preparing them for life outside school.

  5. School uniform protocol was once enforced by prefects. 'Self-regulation' was effective and staff involvement was never necessary.

    The control exercised by today's apologetic Head will barely extend beyond the door jambs of his/her office.

  6. Just walk away, Renee!

    1. Beer out of nose moment, nice one.

  7. We're paying teachers to teach children. If you paid for an evening class would you expect to be turned away if you turned up wearing the "wrong sort" of shoes?
    What is it about teachers of children that they can't teach children if they look a little bit different from the rest?

  8. Robert the Biker29 July 2014 at 08:10

    Well, Frank, if you paid for an evening course as an adult, it would be down to you what you wore; as a school age child, you obey the rules!
    As for uniforms, the idea is that the kids are all the same with no difference due to money orpriviledge; also no burkas or other weird shit.
    Finally, if you work at McDonalds, guess what? You wear a uniform or you work elsewhere.

  9. Not all young people / students are chav fuckwits, some actually want a good life. Many of these poor yoots are hampered in this by the peer pressure from and godawful behaviour of the huge number of stupid chav fuckwits and in particular areas, wannabee gangstas. How teachers 'teach' in such environments is beyond me. It isn't about what a student dresses like, that wouldn't be an issue if there was discipline, self discipline and an willingness to learn, respect, politeness etc. This seems impossible in modern society so enforcing a uniform dress code is the first stage followed by restricting the use of mobile phones and on we go. Of course the first time a student is told 'NO', or actually faces some real discipline and we're not talking about the cane here, we get the usual faux outrage of the kidult chav parents or cries of racism from the usual, ever growing number of suspects.

  10. I'm with the kids (and parents) on this one. Trainers are practical and comfortable and do not in any way interfere with the ability to learn. Whereas being in the power of some crazed martinet like McKeown probably does.

  11. "I like the thought of this "children were sent home by text message""

    Beam 'em up, Scotty!

    "A tiresome almost daily story from local newspapers .."

    It is rather a regular feature. You'd think they'd all know how to handle it by now.

    "Personally, I think for a public school there shouldn't be a dress code but it seems to me they are more interested in petty rules than educating kids. "

    What might be 'petty' is often a way of ensuring rules are complied with, fir future work experience, as Robert the Biker points out.

    "How teachers 'teach' in such environments is beyond me."

    Me too. The good ones will find a way. Usually by getting out of the State sector.
