Thursday 21 August 2014

But I Thought His Catchphrase Was ‘Who Loves Ya, Baby’..?

A paranoid schizophrenic knifeman who tried to murder two women in Catford and Plumstead Common has been detained indefinitely in a mental hospital.
Archibald Reverent Foster had been hearing the voice of Kojak actor Telly Savalas telling him to kill people so he could be the next black president of the USA when he struck twice last year.
Errr, right…
Ms Nguyen was left with injuries to her hand, arm and leg. In a witness statement she said the trauma meant she sometimes still feels scared of walking alone.
A 51-year-old man was arrested in connection with the incident on August 22, but was subsequently released without charge.
So the police had Foster and let him go? Well, no. This was someone completely innocent. Who now has an arrest on his record.

One wonders just how and why he came to the police’s attention…
But Foster was not arrested and was free to strike again weeks later, this time attacking Stratford careworker Ms Kun, who was enjoying a sunny walk to work in Plumstead.
/golfclap for the Met there…
A jury took just under an hour to decide that Foster - whose mental state meant he was not fit to plead - did attempt to murder the two women.
Judge Michael Topolski sentenced Foster, who has been diagnosed as insane, to an unlimited time in a mental health institution.
I wonder if he has a record of these sort of attacks? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Investigating officer Acting Detective Sergeant Stephanie Chance said: “I would like to thank the two victims for their courage and the support they’ve given to the investigation throughout. This was a horrific, unprovoked attack on them both and I wish them the very best for the future.
"I would also like to commend the bravery of each of the witnesses who went to the aid of both victims. Without their courage and intervention these attacks could well have been fatal. "I am very pleased with the sentence, a very dangerous man is now off the streets and is receiving the care and treatment that he requires.
"I would also like to thank DC Shukeil Mandala from Lewisham for his assistance in this investigation, leading to the conviction of Mr Foster."
And just what did officer Mandala do? Point out you had the wrong man? Point you to the right one?


  1. Reverent? Oh, now I see.

    Acting Detective Sergeant Stephanie Chance: "Thank you all. I would also like to our minority colleague Mandela, friends and associates at the nick, especially my mentor, Inspector Nippl-e and our excellent Chief Superintendent Plumjob, who cannot be here today to share in the reflected glory of this award."

  2. Ah yes, a prime example of police 'ramp up'. A round of meaningless local commendations and another example to be used in that next job/promotion application that no one will ever check. Note the diversity aspect of the African heritage detective constable. Well done Stephanie, you did your job, you get well paid for it (despite Theresa May) but that isn't good enough for you. Tiresome!

  3. "Reverent? Oh, now I see. "


    "Ah yes, a prime example of police 'ramp up'."

    It's a classic, this one.
