Thursday 28 August 2014

‘Demonstrating Maturity’ – Yr Doin’ It Wrong!

In mitigation, Ian Cliff said: “Mr Gross has demonstrated maturity by completing a suspended order and holding down a job as a scaffolder.
“This was undermined by his lack of common sense and maturity in purchasing the spray.
“He acquired it, placed it in his car and then forgot about it.
“There is no logical explanation for it and it goes against everything he has done since his conviction for grievous bodily harm. If he were jailed today he would lose his job and they would default on their mortgage repayments almost immediately.”
Yes. Those are called 'consequences',. Something the justice system seems to try hard to ensure no-one ever faces...


  1. "Yes. Those are called 'consequences',. Something the justice system seems to try hard to ensure no-one ever faces..."

    Not in all cases, Julia.
    Defaulting on a council tax payment guarantees 'judicial consequences' in draconian measures.

  2. Hubert Rawlinson28 August 2014 at 11:53

    Displaying flashing blue lights on his car should see him being charged with 'Impersonating a Police Officer'. Then again, that same charge should perhaps be laid against a number of members of the South Yorkshire Constabulary and others!

  3. "Those are called 'consequences',. Something the justice system seems to try hard to ensure no-one ever faces... "

    If I might be so bold as to suggest a correction, we do not have and have never had a justice system in this country.

    What we have, is a legal system which serves to protect property - especially that of the élite, and to perpetuate the position & privilege of the élite, almost invariably at the cost of we plebs.

    Justice for the masses is an intriguing idea, but I'm sure the establishment would never permit it.

  4. Ah, but the state don't like it should someone make them look a little foolish. Bravo to his solicitor for getting him off, although no doubt his stroppy attitude meant his car was searched. He is an idiot for putting himself in the position that he could be caught. As to the blue light, I see loads of trucks running with blue lights and they don't get stopped, as to the C.S. gas, just because it is under Firearms laws does not make it an AK 47, but politicians are idiots so a relatively harmless gas gets lumped in with lethal weapons.

  5. "Not in all cases, Julia.
    Defaulting on a council tax payment guarantees 'judicial consequences' in draconian measures."

    True 'nuff!

    "What we have, is a legal system which serves to protect property.."

    Which, as the Ashya King case shows, now includes... us!

    "Ah, but the state don't like it should someone make them look a little foolish."

    Ain't THAT the truth...
