Monday 25 August 2014

If You Look Up The Phrase 'Useful Idiot' In The Dictionary...'ll probably find a photo of 'Guardian' columnist Michael White:
It's horrible to contemplate the state of mind of a young man like Bary – formerly a would-be rapper called Jinny but son of a radical Bin Laden associate – or fellow jihadis, some from eminently upright British immigrant families. How can they move so easily from suburban London or Cardiff to a world where mass executions of perceived Isis enemies, complete with decapitations, can become both normal and morally right?
Well, probably because progressives like you and your colleagues have assured them time and time again that they are right to nurture grievances against the West, Michael.
...let's not over-react, let's not do some of the brutally counterproductive and brutal things we've done in the past. We want the lucky Kevins to survive, to come home for clean underwear, chastened not angry, and keen to go to college.
'We' do, do we? You don't speak for me. Or for many others.

I want Kevin to lie in the sand of some bombed-flat hellhole, bubbles of blood collecting on his lips as he expires, slowly, from a sucking chest wound.


  1. Julia, you forgot the staked out on a fire ants nest as a preliminary to punishment for the loony left progressives that egg on the benefit scrounging Indian sub continent sourced radicals, non of whom should be allowed back into the country.

  2. Robert the Biker25 August 2014 at 11:09

    Personally, I want the muzzy shit taken out wherever they are found, and that includes in mummies and daddies garden when they come back to say how 'misunderstood' they are and how it's all the fault of us wicked westerners.No respite, no forgiveness, war to the knife for as long as it takes!

  3. I truly do not want them back or anywhere I live. They are bloody dangerous and have shown they cannot be trusted to be civilised.

  4. I couldn't agree more Joolz, I also truly hope that when it all does kick off over here, that it's all the trendy wine bars and coffee houses the Guardianistas frequent that are solely on the receiving end of it.

    Even then, I suspect that after much hand wringing and self loathing platitudes, it will somehow be all the fault of the EDL etc..

  5. But unfortunately the 'useful idiots' (with the emphasis on 'idiots') will never see the error of their ways: such is their determination to not only wear sackcloth & ashes, but to impose it upon the rest of us, as well.

    They have such an irritating (to put it mildly) smug self-proclaimed moral superiority that I am reduced to thoughts which are a) bad for my blood pressure and b) illegal, anyway.

  6. My only consolation watching these fucks in their fifteen minutes of fame is that these 'Kevins' (and no they won't be - they'll be Abdul, Mohammed, Khalid and Faroukh) will spend their last seconds cowering and begging for mercy while staring down the barrel of a Marine's rifle.

  7. "I want Kevin to lie in the sand of some bombed-flat hellhole, bubbles of blood collecting on his lips as he expires, slowly, from a sucking chest wound."

    That's what I like about you Julia, you speak my language.

    I do not want them back either.

  8. Bunny

    I liked the bit in the papers when Foley's murderer was described as a 'British' citizen. Finally the media is getting the idea that these buggers aren't British and never will be.

  9. While following the recent 'Trojan horse' controversy in Birmingham I came across the social media wibblings of a particularly contemptible imam manqué, who was having to make do with being an Anglican vicar.

    He wrote about attending 'Prevent' training and being told by the police that what kept the poor little lambs awake at night was the threat from 'far-right' extremists. Presumably that means the EDL, or anyone deemed insufficiently ashamed of being white.

    I tore out my last hair some time ago. I'm not quite sure how many more times my head can stand being banged on my desk.

  10. Dr Cromarty said: '...spend their last seconds cowering and begging for mercy while staring down the barrel of a Marine's rifle.

    And what are the odds that the marine wouldn't face charges brought by the increasingly muslim-infiltrated CPS?

  11. It is just another episode (but not action) in the long, drawn out undeclared war between us and... well, you know who. Curiously, no one in the well-heeled 'safe zones' of London's plusher areas has noticed.

    Every time one of the libs waves the white flag and say we "understand" our enemy's imagined unhappiness, our enemy clicks the safety off one more time.

    I doubt that this endless war will be resolved any time soon: we haven't the forces, haven't the will and we certainly don't have the First battalion, Op Ed Writers Regiment on our side. The war will come to us on our streets one day, and all the whining lefties will blink away their tears and beg to be spared as "they understood."

  12. And what are the odds that the marine wouldn't face charges brought by the increasingly muslim-infiltrated CPS?
    I think no Marine worth his salt will have a headcam on at any key points in a combat zone from now on.

  13. @ Anon 17:57

    It was only the half-literate post-war, white brat who was destined to accept the 'Blyton' order in perpetuum.

    Brighter adolescents (who were initially shocked by golliwogs in Universities) were destined to concede some blacks were an order of magnitude smarter than the smartest whities.

  14. Anon said... "Destined to concede some blacks were an order of magnitude smarter than the smartest whities".

    Well go on then, name one?

  15. "Well go on then, name one?"

    Failure to differentiate fame and 'smartness' is noted, Budvar. You will be better acquainted with the modern history of slavery and Whites lynching smart Blacks, right up to the late 1950's.

    Have the bottle to acknowledge that in a relatively short time, liberated Blacks have risen to dominate the most lucrative areas of sports and pop culture. If the world of Politics and Finance be next, how swift does a smart transition have to be, to impress the likes of you?

    And being so much smarter, you foresaw the oncoming threat? Not one to gamble, I wager much on your complete ignorance of the term 'cognitive bias'.

  16. Oh I see Melv, are you trying to tell me that the likes of Einstien, Newton, Oppenhiemer, Barnard, Telford, Brunel, Watt, Faraday, Bell, Edison etc were either black or they stole all their ideas off the black man?

    Now I'm sure that there are some smart intelligent blacks around, but if the world had to rely on black innovation, we'd all be eating yams, fried chicken and be living in mud huts...

  17. Have the bottle to acknowledge that in a relatively short time, liberated Blacks have risen to dominate the most lucrative areas of sports and pop culture. If the world of Politics and Finance be next, how swift does a smart transition have to be, to impress the likes of you?

    One Cambridge college has produced more scientific Nobel Prizes than the whole continent of Africa. Most if not all recipients were whiteys.

    Black people run fast and have a good sense of rhythm. Is that all you think they're good for Melv?

  18. @ Dr Cromarty

    With so little to contribute here, give thought to scribbling a blog for fools. You are assured a large audience of peers.

  19. With so little to contribute here, give thought to scribbling a blog for fools. You are assured a large audience of peers.

    So no answer, just an ad hominem, Melv? You lose. Come back when you have something to say.

  20. "Julia, you forgot the staked out on a fire ants nest..."

    PETA won't let me, they say it's cruel to the ants... :(

    "Personally, I want the muzzy shit taken out wherever they are found, and that includes in mummies and daddies garden when they come back..."

    Here here!

    "I also truly hope that when it all does kick off over here, that it's all the trendy wine bars and coffee houses the Guardianistas frequent that are solely on the receiving end of it."

    Me too, but these scum tend to befoul their own nests...

    "That's what I like about you Julia, you speak my language."


  21. "... the social media wibblings of a particularly contemptible imam manqué, who was having to make do with being an Anglican vicar."


    "Every time one of the libs waves the white flag and say we "understand" our enemy's imagined unhappiness, our enemy clicks the safety off one more time."

    What was that Churchill said? Something about a crocodile..? :/

    "If the world of Politics and Finance be next..."

    Looking at Abbott and Ummuna, I think we can write off politics, Melv.
