Sunday 3 August 2014

In The Same Way, I Suppose...

... that Ebola has the lead over HIV.


  1. Is anyone else thinking Thunderdome?

  2. Unless it's a dog lead she's trying to fit around Flabbot's neck - she could with the exercise.

  3. Bunny

    If either of those useless bastards get in, it will the end of the City as the World's financial centre and just how will you pay for the diversity courses, ethnic inclusion and dragging every useless bastard from the four corners of the globe and feeding them at our expense?

    One thing I did notice in central London yesterday, was that the homeless were white. Funny that.

  4. I work in a lab. We have a great, big, yellow bin for biohazard waste. It has not gone unnoticed, that if you are of a certain disposition, you could dispose of the odd body, if so inclined. I have tossed the odd foetus in said bin, but only after taking the appropriate bits for culture. Of course, you would have to do the dismemberment at home. Keep the bits in the freezer and trickle the limbs to work, over time. Sounds like a plan. Not me though- I'm much too well behaved to get involved in this sort of thing.

  5. .... the homeless were white......

    years ago they were youngsters from the sticks, the mentally ill (can one still say that), drink and drugs and often ex-services. Now whilst undoubtedly still from these unfortunates, plenty are eastern european (not Roma as thy are basically camping for begging and benefits.

    Jowells and Abbott eh? Whatever happened to doing the decent thing behind locked doors with a revolver?

  6. Did you have to post that picture? It spoiled my lunch.

  7. I'm thinking naked mud-wrestling.

  8. XX Greencoat said...

    I'm thinking naked mud-wrestling. XX

    Hopefully in the Florida swamps.

  9. "Is anyone else thinking Thunderdome?"


    "If either of those useless bastards get in, it will the end of the City as the World's financial centre..."

    Indeed. And most of the people who work in the City can't vote in the City...

    "I'm thinking naked mud-wrestling."

