Sunday 10 August 2014

Newspaper Comment Section Comment Of The Year*!

On a story about Essex Police going kookoobananas over a threat that mentioned the feared word ‘gun’:
The King of Southend says... I can understand people in Morrisons or Tesco needing to carry guns to protect themselves but not Waitrose.
I blame the Waitrose essentials range for attracting low quality people.

*I know the year’s not over yet, but c’mon…


  1. I wonder if he is related to the mother of a friend who, over the dinner-table some years ago, deplored the fact that the checkout girl who served her had a large love-bite visible on her neck:

    "One might expect that kind of thing in Tesco or Asda, of course, but this was Marks and Spencer's!"

  2. Lady Penelope's Summer tip:

    Austere times demand economies. One's gamekeeper will market deer, pheasant and partridge but never delegate Waitrose shopping to armed staff.

  3. Overheard near Morrisons, which used t be a Safeway; "... and they've replaced the olive counter with a pie stall.".

  4. "...deplored the fact that the checkout girl who served her had a large love-bite visible on her neck:"

    Well, quite!

    "Overheard near Morrisons, which used t be a Safeway; "... and they've replaced the olive counter with a pie stall."."

